Detailed Damage Inspection Report
What is a DDIR Multipurpose Document the location of damage. Document the amount of damage. Document the type of repair. Approvals for funding. Used to justify (in combination with other DDIRs) that an event occurred.
Kaizen Team Goal First person on a damage site begin populating the information on the DDIR. Done on an Ipad or other handheld device to provide a central up to date list of damage per event. Unfortunately this requires more programming than we can accomplish at this time.
New DDIR Many people use the DDIR over the life of the project. The new form is an effort to capture all the information needed by others over the life of the project.
New DDIR Space for SP number (to be added by District). Space for TER number (MnDOT only). PE and CE costs separated because they need to be separated in the federal financial system. Map and photos are attached to the DDIR. Check box for functional classification of roadway.
New DDIR More details on the proposed method of contracting for repairs. Documentation section for permanent repairs performed concurrently with emergency repairs. Discussion of why a noncompetitive contracting method was used. Discussion of betterments.
Enhancements? Not really any new information, just all put on the DDIR document for easy reference. Will hopefully save time in approvals since additional questions will not be needed.
Central Repository DDIRs will be scanned and placed in EDMS so internal MnDOT people and FHWA can use them. DDIRs are currently copied or scanned and passed between those who need information on them.
Kaizen Event Many handoffs. Many places where information is stored and others cannot access. Much duplicated paper is passed to others in process. People involved in the process do not understand the steps beyond their involvement.
Moving forward New processes will be used with the next emergency event. Team will meet again after that event and look for ways to make it work even better. Second event may have more tweaks in the process. We are open to suggestions, comments, and criticisms.
Suggestions Comments or Criticisms?