Who Wants to be a Millionaire GP Registrar? THE TENNIS ELBOW EPISODE £ 100 £ 200 £ 300 £ 500 £ 2,000 £ 1,000 £ 4,000 £ 8,000 £ 16,000 £ 32,000 £ 64,000 £ 125,000 £ 250,000 £ 500,000 £1,000,
1.) What is Tennis Elbow? A B C D Tenderness over the medial epicondyle and pain on resisted wrist pronation Tenderness over the Lateral epicondyle and pain on resisted wrist extension Traction injury to the elbow causing subluxation of the radial head The reason why Tim Henman never won Wimbledon
B Tenderness over the Lateral epicondyle and pain on resisted wrist extension
2.) How Common is Tennis Elbow in the UK? A B C D Between 1 and 3 in 100 People in the UK 5 in 1000 people will see there doctor about it % of the General Population The number of times Tottenham have won the league in the last 20 years per 100 people
A and B Between 1 and 3 in 100 People in the UK. 5 in 1000 people will see there doctor about it
3.) Who is Affected by Tennis Elbow? A B C D Tennis and Golf Players Men and Women aged between 30 and 50. None of the above Anyone
B and C Men and Women aged 30 to 50, but could affect anyone!
4.) What Causes Tennis Elbow? A B C D Tennis Repetitive overuse of your dominant arm Repetitive overuse of your non-dominant arm Trauma
C Repetitive actions of you hand, wrist and forearm. Trauma can cause it
5.) How do you Diagnose Tennis Elbow? A B C D X-ray MRI USS Clinically
D Clinically Pt. may sometimes require MRI/imaging if surgical repair needed
CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE WON….. A free lecture on tennis elbow
6.) What treatments are there? A B C D Conservative inc. Physiotherapy Medical All of the above Surgical
D All of the above
7.) What Self-Help methods are there? A B C D Cold Compresses Stop doing what your doing! And Rest Strapping/Splints Physiotherapy - Exercise/Massage/ Acupuncture
I’m Bored of this now All correct!
8.) What is the first line of medical Tx? A B C D Paracetamol/NSAIDS +/- codeine Opiates Prayer & Meditation Steroid Injection
B Prayer and Meditation It’s the answer to everything
Real answer C and D Simple Analgesia and steroid injections
9.) When would you suggest Surgery? A B C D After 3 months of conservative therapy After 6 Months of Conservative & Medical Therapy including Steroid Injections After 1 year of Conservative & Medical Therapy including Steroid Injections Surgery is never required
A or B depending on pt. 6months to 1year of conservative/medical therapy inc. steroid injections
10.) How can you prevent tennis elbow? A B C D Warm up and rest afterwards Try not to do the same activity for long periods of time Don’t play if your arm is painful Strengthen your tendons with exercise
All of them Or Play Golf and get Golfer’s elbow
CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE WON….. A Free Handout Which can be led to you
No More Questions coz the PCT aint gonna pay you 64,000