Proposed program for a Biotechnology day for middle years Program Overview pm (with 30 min break at around am): Pre-survey, theory, powerpoint, group work, individual work, written exercises : Lunch 1.00 – 3.00: Hands-on activities 3.00 – 3.30: post-learning survey
Overview continued… Hands-on activities 1 – 3 pm 4 stations: Simulating yeast fermentation & balloon blowing with baking soda and vinegar Making double helix Extracting DNA Powerpoint on Biotechnology Students work in groups of 3. Hence there will be approx 20 groups. Need to purchase sufficient materials for 20 groups at each station.
Double Helix: For each group of 4 Pink & white marshmallows (about 15 white and 15 pink ) 4 different colours of gummy bears(4 of each colour) Thin, flexible wire (about 60 cm each group) Toothpicks (8) DNA Extraction: For each group of 4 2 drinking cup, 1 tea spoon, 1 table spoon About 20 ml cold alcohol (ethanol - methylated spirit will do), salt, dishwashing liquid e.g. Palmolive or Dawn etc., 1 Chux superwipe as filter cloth, 1 Glad zip loc sandwich bag 1 Funnel 1 Satay stick 1 glass tube or small glass jar 2 strawberries or 1 kiwi fruit Yeast fermentation simulation: Sodium bicarbonate Vinegar Balloons Small empty drink bottle
Biotechnology: Introduction 1. Prior knowledge survey exercise 2. Get into groups of 4: How many other words can you form with this word ‘biotechnology’? What do you know about biotechnology – brainstorm in your group. 15 mins small groups activity + 10 mins whole group presentation 9 am: Wan will introduce 15 mins
In groups of 4, discuss and write down what you know about each of these topics (1-5 below) for example, one of the things you may discuss is how each is made. Then choose 2 of these topics and use the Venn Diagram to write down what the similar and different things about these topics are? 1. Making of bread using yeast 2. Wine from grapes 3. Cheese & yoghurt from milk 4. Beers from malt & barley 5. New crops and animals from breeding 20 mins small group discussion + 15 mins whole group
Venn Diagram Write things that are similar here Playing Tennis Swimming e.g.Sport Blood pups Sweat? Build muscles
What is Biotechnology? Bio: Short for Biology, Biology: The study of all living things Technology: Tools for evolution Biotechnology Therefore means: A tool that uses biology for the production of new products Scientific Definition: Any technological application that uses biological systems or living organisms to make or modify products or processes for specific use
Biotechnology: Using living things (e.g. plants, animals or bacteria) to create products or to do tasks for human beings What other biotechnology examples can you think of apart from these ones? Making of bread using yeast Wine from grapes Cheese & yoghurt from milk Beers from malt & barley New crops and animals from breeding
Examples of other biotechnology examples Environment: composting; Werribee Sewerage farm Food: crops with higher yields, pest resistant crops Medicine: vaccines; insulin Cosmetic: SKII story (Pitera)
Biotechnology – more information Uses living organisms & cells for the improvement of living things Includes Many science disciplines: such as Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, & Cell Biology Includes specialised Scientists such as Food Scientists (nutritionists), Chemists, & Geneticists (study genetics) Biotechnology has: evolved new drugs, Vaccines, Produced Food Products, Cosmetics, Improved plants
Biotechnology Some uses of biotechnology are: 1) Grow more food 2) Help the environment 3) Grow increased amounts of nutritious food, and therefore improve our health HOW DOES BIOTECHNOLOGY WORK? Scientists look closely at cells, specifically genes, and make improvements
What are cells??? Cells: The basic units for all living things Within the cell we have DNA which contain our genetic material Genetic Material: Traits inherited from parents to offspring, your DNA makes you uniquely you
For more on Cells visit
How cell, nucleus, DNA, genes and characteristics are related Inside the cell is a nucleus Inside the nucleus is found DNA (deoxyribo-nucleic-acid) DNA is made up of genes Genes contain the information that determined many of your characteristics
Cell Nucleus Your characteristics DNA Genes has contains make up determine
Morning Break: approx – 11 am Second session: 11 – 12 pm Continue from morning session. Include Draw diagram of cell: label cell, membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes Draw flow diagram Do exercises on worksheets
Note: No. 3 uses sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and vinegar Lunch: – 1.00 pm Hands-on: 1 – 3.00 pm (30 min sessions, topics below) Post survey: pm