Presented By: Spencer, Madhav, and Adrian
A gold rush is a period of constant migration of workers to an area that has had a dramatic discovery of gold deposits. Most of the gold rushes took place in the 19th century. What is a Gold Rush?
Here are some pictures that might help you understand the gold rush.
How did the Gold Rush affect businesses? The Gold Rush caused businesses to thrive. Thousands and thousands of people traveled to Washington for transportation to Alaska. This caused more businesses in the area. These people needed to eat and drink and get some clothing somewhere. Local businesses had many costumers a day in there shops that bought many items. To add on to this list they needed to buy many other items for their journey to search for gold.
Nordstrom Bon Marché (Macy’s) Businesses started because of the Gold Rush.
People who were mining for gold were searching in the Klondike. Where was the gold?
Miners leaving from Seattle to the Klondike in Alaska.
The Gold Rush in the Klondike brought many people to Washington. They came for transportation to the Klondike area. Population and the Gold Rush
Miners climb over mountains to get to the Klondike area.
Seattle was the “gateway” to the Klondike. Mayor of Seattle quit his job to go to the gold fields. Over 70,000 people headed for the gold fields during the Klondike Gold Rush, 1 in every 10 was a woman. There were 2 ways for the miners to get to Alaska. The Richman route, and the Poorman route. Fun Facts!
2 suits heavy knit underwear 6 pairs wool socks 1 pairs heavy moccasins 2 pairs german stockings 2 heavy flannel overshirts 1 heavy woollen sweater 1 pair overalls 2 pairs 12-lb. blankets 1 waterproof blanket 1 dozen bandana handkerchiefs 1 stiff brim cowboy hat 1 pair hip rubber boots 1 pair prospectors' high land boots 1 mackinaw, coat, pants, shirt 1 pair heavy buck mitts, lined 1 pair unlined leather gloves 1 duck coat, pants, vest 6 towels 1 pocket matchbox, buttons, needles and thread comb, mirror, toothbrush etc. mosquito netting/1 dunnage bag 1 sleeping bag/medicine chest pack saddles, complete horses flat sleighs 100 lbs. navy beans 150 lbs. bacon 400 lbs. flour 40 lbs. rolled oats 20 lbs. corn meal 10 lbs. rice 25 lbs. sugar 10 lbs. tea 20 lbs. coffee 10 lbs. baking powder 20 lbs. salt 1 lb. pepper 2 lbs. baking soda 1/2 lb. mustard 1/4 lb. vinegar 2 doz. condensed milk 20 lbs. evaporated potatoes 5 lbs. evaporated onions 6 tins/4 oz. extract beef 75 lbs. evaporated fruits 4 pkgs. yeast cakes 20 lbs. candles 1 pkg. tin matches 6 cakes borax 6 lbs. laundry soap 1/2 lb. ground ginger 25 lbs. hard tack 1 lb. citric acid 2 bottles jamaica ginger Here are some of the things that the miners had to have to travel to the Klondike in 1897.
Question #1: What was the main gold rush that affected Washington? Answer: The Klondike Gold Rush
Answer: Nordstrom, and Bon Marché (Macy’s) Question#2: What was one of the businesses that got started in Washington state because of the gold rush?
Answer: Yes Question #3: Did the miners have to travel over mountains to get to the Klondike Gold Rush?
Answer: Question #4: What is a Gold Rush? A gold rush is a period of constant migration of workers to an area that has had a dramatic discovery of gold deposits.
Question #5: What were the two ways that Seattle benefited from the Gold Rush? Answer: The population grew and businesses thrived from more people in town to buy many items.