Return midterms and review scores Introduction to Thinking & Language Problem Solving Lab Homework: Reading Quiz TOMORROW!
Fifth Hour: ◦ Mean before curve: 40.7/55 ◦ Median: 40/55 ◦ Mode: 46/55 ◦ Mean after five point curve: 45.74/55 Seventh Hour: ◦ Mean before curve: 39.9 ◦ Median before curve: 41 ◦ Mode before curve: 45 ◦ Mean after five point curve: 44.91
Cognition: All the mental processes associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating ◦ This is why memory is part of this unit! Large part of this unit: PROBLEM SOLVING
A man left home one morning. He turned right and ran straight ahead. Then he turned left. After a while, he turned left again, running faster than ever. Then he turned left once more and decided to go home. In the distance he could see two masked men waiting for him. Who were they?!
What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years?
Using the items provided, you and your partner must make the record play a song You may NOT use anything that you personally brought to class, but you may manipulate the items to your benefit
Thinking & Language Reading Quiz Cognition Examples Record Lab FRQ Homework: NONE
The maker doesn’t want it, the buyer doesn’t use it, and the user doesn’t see it. What is it?
What number is next in the series? 10, 4, 3, 11, 15, ….. a)14 b)1 c)17 d)12
When spelled out, each number in the series is longer than the previous number by one letter.
Imagine 6 glasses in a row, the first three are full of water, the second three are empty. By moving only one glass, can you arrange them so that the full and empty glasses alternate?
What is so unusual about the sentence below? “Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz”
qwertyuiopa sdfghjklzxcv bnm
How can you physically stand behind your father while he is standing behind you?
Any mental shortcut that allows for easier problem solving and quicker judgment Example: How can you use heuristics to rearrange these letters? EUEQN
Heuristic: You know the Q and U go together because of something you’ve already learned and stored in your mind Algorithm: Try all 60 combinations of the letters to find a “correct” one EUENQ, EUNEQ, EUQNE, EUNQU, etc.
22 nelin ensce sdlen lecam slfal dlchi neque raspe klsta nolem dlsco hsfle naorg egsta
23 linen scene lends camel falls child queen pears talks melon colds shelf groan gates The algorithm you used to solve the first column probably kept you from seeing the multiple solutions for the words in the second column
Write down the top ten nations where journalists are most likely to be killed for reporting factual news over the last 20 years Availability Heuristic: Thinking shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to mind. You use the more frequently discussed examples
Record Lab FRQ Language background information ◦ Breakdown of language ◦ TED Talk Homework: NONE
Noam Chomsky Benjamin Whorf Paul Broca Wernicke (Karl Wernicke)
With your group members, determine how each assigned concept from was used to solve the problem. (Think of this as an FRQ) ◦ Algorithm ◦ Functional fixedness ◦ Confirmation Bias ◦ Hindsight Bias ◦ Divergent Thinking ◦ Observational Learning ◦ Availability heuristic
Can we have thoughts without language? If so, what would it look like?
Utilizing common Phonemes and Morphemes.
According to B.F. Skinner, children learn words and language through reinforcement, observation, and imitation According to Noam Chomsky, people are born with the natural ability to communicate and understand a language ◦ Universal Grammar
Language influences the way we think about the world. Illegal Immigrants vs. Undocumented Immigrants Entitlement System vs. Social Safety Net 21 Emotions that we don’t have in English 25 Words w/ no translation Freedom Fighter vs. Terrorist
TED Talk