How to Build Positive Relationships with Your Partners ACEC Conference Michael Ginnaty March 2, 2010
Overview What is a Positive Partnership Background on Project Scope and Cost Management Office Scoping Process Improvement Cost Estimating Process Improvement and Organizational Integration Project Project Management Peer Review Move concepts to Building Positive Partnerships
How can we build better relationships with our partners? Question:
Consultant plans are worse than ours Consultants cost too much It takes too long to get someone under contract Consultants are getting rich$ on our work The Client is always right Myths from Shifting Attitudes
Set Process that is documented Plan contains: Estimated Quantities Typical Sections Layouts Profiles Cross-sections Project Development Process
Positive Partnership experiences –Worked toward a common goal –Good communication –Worked as a team –Learned from each other –Understood each others roles and expectations
Better define a project so we are able to more accurately estimate the cost. Project Scope and Cost Management Office
Developed a process model for statewide use Early Comprehensive Documented Signed Scoping Reports Implemented in 2007 for FY 2012 Projects Scoping Process Improvement
Created a vision for CE/CM, policies, manual and training Developed policies and procedures Developed a Technical Reference Manual Developed a training program Created Project Scope and Cost Management Office Cost Estimating Process Improvement and Organizational Integration Project
Increased effort in scoping and cost estimating/cost management earlier in the project development process Identify project risks and apply contingencies Estimates for Total Project Costs Requires Signed Scoping Report, TPCE and Project Summary Report Cost Estimating Process Improvement and Organizational Integration Project
Conducted Fall 2009 Broad use of Project Management Plans Recognize leadership skills Describe expectations in project transitions Integrate risk and conflict management into Project Management Plans Project Management Peer Review
Quality Risk Scope Schedule Budget Project Management
Better define a project so we are able to more accurately estimate the cost. How can we use these concepts to build better relationships with our partners? Project Scope and Cost Management Office
Positive Partnership experiences –Worked toward a common goal –Good communication –Worked as a team –Learned from each other –Understood each others roles and expectations
Work toward a common goal Better define the Scope of Work Define what is expected, deliverables, tie to project risks Define what is not included Define project risks Risk equals dollars Assign risks to the partners Building Positive Relationships
Define roles of partners Public meetings, who is leading Development of utilities Develop the expectations Could be deliverables Could be something else? Hold partners to these roles and expectations Building Positive Relationships
Vibration damage due to construction operations. Too much settlement in the north end after construction. Section 4(f) and Section 106 impacts and process take longer time causing additional schedule impacts Purpose and Need is not well defined causing lack of support in solution from federal partners impacting schedule Communications of project impacts to partners and community impact public trust and confidence Project Risks
Communicate more and often Clear understanding of roles and expectations Well defined Scope of work Communicate Conclusion
Thank you! Questions? Michael Ginnaty, P.E. Ph