Designing Exercise Prescription for Improving Cardiovascular Fitness 1. Brief review of the importance of cardiovascular fitness 2. How to design a cardiovascular exercise prescription 3. Design a cardiovascular exercise prescription for yourself 4. Assignment : save the exercise prescription in your computer DO IT ! take the exercise prescription as a guidelines.
Physical activities Exercise Shopping House cleaning Physiological functions Heart pumps blood Stomach digests food Sweat glands produce sweat Energy Oxygen Nutrients Cardiovascular fitness most important physical fitness Heart m. / Smooth m. / Glands Skeletal m. CO2 waste products CO2 waste products
Exercise prescription Medicine prescription DOSAGE Correct Too much Too little Treat diseases successfully Improve fitness level significantly Cause other damages * No effect * Waste money * Waste time * Overuse fatigue * Cause injury * No significant improvement * Waste money * Waste time 5 mg 3 times / day for 2 weeks oral, before meal
Harvard University Alumni 16,939 subjects, 25 years physical activity habits vs. mortality rates More active : walk > 9 miles / week Less active : walk < 3 miles / week Greater activity Better fitness ? Better health ?
A research on the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and mortality rates Institute For Aerobic Research in Dallas 8-year study 13,344 subjects Treadmill test for evaluating cardiovascular fitness 5 groups: Highest mortality / Least-fit group Lowest mortality / Second most-fit group (walk briskly minutes/day)
Fitness level highest lowest The longest life Over training is not good Not enough training Institute of aerobic Research In Dallas 13,344 subjects, 8 years cardiovascular fitness level vs mortality rates Work load Too much threshold The highest fitness group did not result in the lowest mortality which indicates that over-exercising may be counterproductive
EXERCISE TARGET ZONE A range of exercise from the minimum necessary to improve fitness to the maximum amount, beyond which exercise may be counterproductive. If you exercise above the minimum and below the maximum you are exercising in the EXERCISE TARGET ZONE
Can you exercise your arm muscle directly? Yes. Please give me an example.. Can you exercise your heart directly? No way to exercise the heart, lungs and blood vessels DIRECTLY An exercise that places a demand on cardiovascular system is needed
Can you improve your cardiovascular fitness with hand writing? 5 minutes of slow walking once a week? An exercise that requires a LARGE AMOUNT of oxygen is needed TYPE DURATION INTENSITY FREQUENCY Can you improve your arm muscle strength with lifting a weight of 2 pounds? A hammer 2 pounds
Factors you should consider for designing an cardiorespiratory exercise prescription Exercise Type Exercise Intensity Exercise Duration Exercise Frequency
Intensity of Training How much effort should you put into an activity? Should you run quickly? Jog slowly? Swim at a comfortable pace? Must a person sweat profusely to achieve fitness? E xercise I ntensity
RECOMMENDATION AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE The recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiovascular in healthy adults 1. Intensity of training % of maximum heart rate (HRmax) % of maximum heart rate reserve (HRmax reserve) 2. Duration of training minutes of continuous aerobic activity 3. Frequency of training 3-5 days per week 4. Mode of training activity Any activity that uses large muscle groups, can be maintained continuously, and is rhythmic and aerobic in nature