FUNemic Awareness Maribeth Majewski, Literacy Coach Lauren Walsh, Literacy Coach
“The Big Picture” Essential Components of Reading Instruction Print Awareness Letter Knowledge Phonological Awareness Phonics Irregular Word Reading Multisyllabic Word Reading Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension
Grade-Level Progression of Essential Skills K12345 Print Awareness x Letter Knowledge xx Phonological Awareness xx Phonics xxxx Irregular Word Reading xxxxxx Multisyllabic Word Reading xxxx Fluency xxxxxx Vocabulary xxxxxx Comprehension xxxxxx
What is Phonological Awareness? Phonological Awareness is an umbrella term that includes the awareness of the larger parts of spoken language. Word Awareness Hearing the number of words that are in a spoken phrase or sentence. Syllable Awareness Hearing the number of syllables, or beats, in spoken words. Onset-Rime Awareness Hearing, identifying, and manipulating the onset (the part of the syllable that comes before the vowel) and the rime (the vowel and everything after it in a syllable). Phoneme Awareness Hearing, identifying, and manipulating phonemes, the smallest units of sound, in spoken words. Most Critical
Linked Predictive Relationship K Phoneme Segmentation 1 st Grade Oral Reading Fluency Non-word Reading (Nonsense Words) 1 st -8 th Grades Comprehension
What Does the Research Say About Phonemic Awareness? “Research has shown that phoneme-level skills account for unique variance in students’ future reading scores, after controlling for the effects of rhyming ability in children.” -D. Ray Reutzel, “Early Literacy Research: Findings Primary-Grade Teachers Will Want to Know”, The Reading Teacher Vol 69 Issue 1 July/August 2015
Where do I begin?
Let the FUN begin!
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Maribeth Majewski Literacy Coach, Point Dume Marine Science School Lauren Walsh Literacy Coach, Webster Elementary School Contact Info THANK YOU!!!