1 PCR - Primary Care Reform “From theory to practice”
2 What is PrimaCare The Paris Primary Care Network Signed agreement with Ministry of Health in February 1999, making us the first primary care network
3 From the Beginning A complex environment, controversy, political changes Reduced satisfaction with access to care Reduced physician satisfaction Changing fiscal environment
4 The Process Phase I -Developing a rostered population Phase II - IT [choices,implentation,network activation] Phase III - Telephone Health Advisory Service Phase IV- Evaluation [provincial&participants]
5 Phase II Informatics & IT - ongoing Core Data Set Data connectivity (lab,ODB,drug interaction checking facility….others?) Confidential messaging electronic records[prescription writing etc] FUTURE VISION tba
6 Phase II Informatics & IT-core data set patient demographics registration/enrollment data medical information section - problem list, co-morbidity,medication history, family history, allergies, risk factors and ALERTS
8 Phase III Telephone Health Advices “ ON- CALL HEALTHLINE “ toll free :00 PM to 9:00 AM weekdays & 24hours weekends and holidays
9 PrimaCare Now 7 physicians - 5 sites over 10,500 rostered (over 1,500 new patients) Over 70% signed consent forms NP on site since February 1999 THAS began October 1, 2000 IT - implementation started New payment methods with targets and incentives active since December 1999
10 Natural Linking Hospitals Public health CCAC others
11 Focus on Public Health & PrimaCare actions developed together [based on the health status report] specific joint initiatives -tobacco cessation,sexual health etc using the data of the PrimaCare roster- applied epidemiology joint program initiation [Falls program] evaluation of initiatives IT interfaces in the future
12 Keep this in mind PCN is a voluntary arrangement of 3 years Heavy administrative component to the process so far IT in very early stage (core data set? to come) THAS - October 1, 2000 Significant evaluation results coming shortly
13 Success Factors All active physicians involved Strong doctor/patient relationships Supportive community and stakeholders [Health Unit / Health Council] Supportive hospital (The Willett and the BCHS) Infrastructure support MOHLTC /OMA Strong information resources
14 Thankyou John W McDonald MD 238 Grand River St North web site: primacare.ca
15 Goals and Objectives Increase patient and provider satisfaction – broader range of health services – enrollment / rostering Increased efficiency through – reduced duplication – better use of information – patient and provider accountability
16 Goals and Objectives Improved access to primary health care – stability of the network – extended office hours – 24 hour response system – telephone health advisory service Improved quality and continuity of care – prevention – information technology
17 Services PCN Provides The basket of services include: Service coordination Episodic care Access to hospital care and coordination Patient education and preventive health care Appropriate periodic health assessments
18 Basket of Services (continued) Health assessment Diagnosis and treatment Primary reproductive care Primary palliative care Primary mental health care Access to obstetrical care and newborn care