Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations Application Guidelines Miscellaneous Signs Signing Plan Design (At-Grade) June 20, 2012
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations Adopt-A-Highway –One sign shall be installed in each direction at the beginning of the adopted segment –A reference location sign panel may be combined with this sign on the same structure (on the left post) For ease of reference, install signs either adjacent, or in close proximity, to reference location signs
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations Reference Location Sign –Formally Reference Post Markers –Erected along trunk highways to: Assist drivers in estimating progress Provide a means for identifying location in emerg Aid in highway maintenance –Zero point is at south or west state line, or south or west junctions of route –If unable to erect in correct location, may move 50 either direction, otherwise omit
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations Rest Area Signing Wayside Rest Sign –Shall be installed one-half mile in advance of turn –When supplemental signs are used, they shall be placed below –A Wayside Rest with Arrow Sign shall be installed approx. 200 in advance of the turn