PSYC 433
Literature Search What is a lit search? Why do we do them? – Knowledge Get a general idea of what is out there in our area of interests, what has or has not been done – Survival Skills Help you with future papers – Narrow Search – Background When you write an APA paper, typically your intro will include a lit review of background in your area to help educate your reader on the general subject before going into greater detail of your experiment
Lit Search Psycinfo electronic search browser You can also use the ancestry approach… – Look at references from an article – And go to those references for more info and so on…
What You Want in a Journal Article Abstract: – (brief overview of article) words – Often used by researchers as a guide for use/not use – Last thing written in a paper, but appears at beginning of the page Introduction/Lit Review – Introduce problem, develop background, state purpose and hypotheses
What You Want in a Journal Article Method: – Replicability – Who (participants), what (measures, apparatus), and how (procedure) Results: – What did you find-present material clearly (tables and statistical info) Discussion: – Evaluate and interpret implications of results – Were your hypotheses supported and what does this mean? – Specific then broad (opposite of intro) – Limitations of study – Future Research
Good Social Psychology Journals Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Basic and Applied Social Psychology Journal of Applied Psychology