Recycling for Earth’s Survival By: Joshua Rebustillo
Have you done your part in helping the Earth survive We learn about it in school.We read about it in books.We see it in our community. We’ve known about recycling for many years, but do we know why it’s important for Earth’s survival? Recycling is the process of using waste materials and making it into new materials. It is important for the preservation and protection of our environment. Look around. There are so many things we can recycle. Let’s do our part!
More than 50% of the waste materials that end up at the landfill is recyclable. Not enough waste material is being recycled! Who wants to live in a world full of trash? Earth would be one big landfill! Imagine how Earth would look if we didn’t recycle. As population grows, so do our waste materials.
The Recycling Process 2.Manufacturing Once the waste materials are sorted, it then has to be manufactured into raw materials that companies can use to make their products. It’s an expensive process in making recycled materials into a reusable product again, but the results can make a big difference to the environment. 3.Buying The last part of this process is buying the product. We all need to help out by buying products that are made from recycled materials. This is important for the whole recycling process to be successful. 1.Collection Each community has different ways of collecting and sorting waste materials. There are recycling bins and recycling centers available for people to use. They are marked with the recycling logo.
DO YOUR PART LET EARTH SURVIVE RECYCLE! Bibliography Presented by Joshua Rebustillo Mr. Monteleone’s 5 th Grade Class Sullivans’ School Yokosuka, Japan