Brand name & logo Brand promise
State the problem.
How do you know this problem is real?
How does your brand solve it? Say how: use graphics to explain your unique value proposition. Show how: models, renders, MVP, demo videos, product/service images (in use). If necessary, outline technical specifications.
Who does your brand speak to? Potential market size Show areas of opportunity Market changes: trends you are capitalizing on Competitors: show your edge
What makes you unique? Show your team’s skills & experience Show your track record
Traction Are consumers buying into your idea? Show evidence of market demand. How are you currently acquiring customers? How fast are you acquiring them? Show relevant milestones Show third-party interest: media coverage, investors, awards earned, partnerships sealed, large deals closed
What’s next? What’s your vision? How will you get there? Any partnerships? Why should your audience buy in? Why should they buy in now (vs later)? If appropriate, show entry and exit options for investors and financial projections
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