Cameron Johnson
Shape This shows shape because the elephant is an organic shape and also the letter is a geometric shape. The letter is a shape that is turning into form using value. The different shapes on the elephant create the illusion that it is moving. The background behind the A and the elephant draws attention using emphasis. The logo uses a variety of colors to try to get the viewers attention. The elements used in this logo make the University of Alabama seem like a good sports team. The big letter and elephant is used to make the sports team seem tough and big. Their purpose is to get your attention and not be a regular boring logo. This logo matters to me because I would like to have that kind of logo for my football team.
Pattern The BMW logo shows pattern because it is repeating the same shape. The same colors are repeated and are the same size. The pattern of the image makes it look professional. The letters are the same length and width and are equally spaced out. BMW used these elements in their logo to make it seem like they are a high-end professional car company. Their purpose is to put the logo in the viewers head and think of buying a BMW. I might would consider looking into buying a BMW after seeing this logo and going through their types of cars for sale.
Emphasis This logo shows emphasis on the word canes because the word is white on black on top of red to really make it show. The logo also uses different fonts and sizes creating line. The different variety of colors really brings out the emphasis in the logo. Raising Canes used these elements to try to get your attention and let you know briefly in the logo the main thing they sell. Their intention is to try to get you to come to raising canes to buy some food. If I saw this logo in a commercial while I was hungry I would want to go to Raising Cane’s.
Space This logo shows space because all of the sour patch kids are spaced out and some are floating off to created one big image. This also uses line to get your attention by using big bold letters to get the viewer’s attention. The word “Kids” uses emphasis, the word is red on white and really pops out in the logo. The elements in this logo are spaced out to get your attention to the whole logo and not one part of it. The intention is to persuade you into buying some sour patch kids. I like sour patch kids so if I saw this I would most likely want some.
Color In the polo logo it uses a simply blue color to make the whole logo match. The horse and the rider are in motion to make it give the idea that both are moving in the picture. This logo has texture, the horse has multiple lines on it to make it seem like it has a harness. The rider also has texture to make it look like he is wearing an outfit. The man on the horse is giving the illusion that he is riding and playing croquet. In my opinion when I think of a man on a horse playing croquet I think of a wealthy man, Polo is trying to get the point across that it’s a nice brand of clothing.
Movement The horse in the Ferrari logo looks like it is standing on its back legs causing movement. The horse’s mane is also moving to make it seem as if the horse was just running and the mane is moving in the wind that the horse has created while running. The horses mane is flapping in the wind its created to give the movement illusion. A stallion with wind in its mane makes Ferrari seem like they produce fast luxury cars. If I was a wealthy man and I wanted a nice car and a Ferrari commercial popped up with the horse emblem on the logo that would make me consider thinking of buying a Ferrari.
Line This logo is very basic and is a clear example of line. The different types of line give the viewer a clear example of the company’s name. The lines are even and make it seem like a professional business. The different types of color also try to get the viewer’s attention. The FedEx logo is a simply evenly spaced line logo. It gets the point across that FedEx is a fast, efficient, and reliable service to transport packages and other mail. If someone who likes to ship things or someone who has to mail multiple packages for Christmas they might would consider using FedEx to get the job done.
Balance The arches in the McDonald’s logo are both symmetrical and are an example of balance. Color is evenly balanced throughout the logo and it makes the left and right side of the arch look the same. Line is also used in the word McDonald’s. The McDonald’s emblem is evenly balanced in the logo. The arches are equal height and width and are the same size if you cut the emblem down the middle. If someone was hungry for a cheeseburger they might would want to go to McDonald’s.
Form The apple logo shows form because the apple looks 3-D. This also shows shape, it is an organic shape that looks like and apple. Color is repeated through the logo to make it look like a chrome professional computer logo. The apple in the logo is supposed to appear 3-D because of the different colors behind it making it create form. Apple wants to get across that they are a technologically advanced company. For someone who needed a new fast computer they might could see an apple commercial and think of buying an apple computer.
Contrast This picture of a green M&M on top of cocoa beans shows contrast because the bright green really stands out from the dark brown cocoa beans. Most of the logo is dark but the M&M is bright green to really stand out. The logo shows emphasis on the M&M. The neon green candy stands out in all of the other dark brown cocoa beans. This could be considered that M&M’s make you different or special in your own way when you eat them. For a chocolate lover if they saw this picture they would most likely want a bag of M&Ms.
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