Trang Le Kimberly Holland Lexi Smiley
Schlosser’s intentions in this chapter of the novel is primarily to depict Ray Kroc, the market producer of McDonald’s, as a clever businessman, concerned solely on expanding his empire.
Marketing to children Used Walt Disney as a advertisement to promote McDonald’s to smaller children Children as young as two recognize marketing logo before they recognize their own name Toys distributed to children such as dolls, toy trucks, baby clothes, and telephones shaped like French fries
People’s consumption Parents of lower income have a more limited variety in their food options Consumers are impressed by the companies as trusted friends without knowing their minds are being manipulated to buying their products
School Systems Schools with budget shortages accept corporate sponsorship from fast food companies by agreeing to advertise to their students When fast food gets into high school cafeterias, students have no other choice than to eat the fast food
After the release of this novel, many schools have began taking responsibility for their students’ health in order to put an end to childhood obesity
Schlosser mainly tells the negative side of the fast food industry Children are not benefitting from the consumption of “liquid candy” (soda) Examines the relationship between Kroc and Disney to reveal their genius at marketing their products, their main priority
We all go to school and have to see advertisements We are all going to have friends, family, etc. that are going to be affected by the advertising for the rest of our lives as well as ourselves