Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology Guide Sign Design June 18-19, 2013 Arden Hills, MN
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 2 General Design Process 1.First, use the guidelines for Font Sizes (Section on page 3-5) to determine correct letter size and overlay size, based on speed, number of lanes, and roadway type (freeway or non-freeway) 2.The matching arrow size can be found in Section 3.8 on page Vertical spacing between lines: ½ to ¾ of letter height –This requirement may not be feasible with all overheads due to restrictions caused by existing mounting structures
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 3 General Design Process 4.Vertical spacing between text and inside of border: ½ to ¾ of letter height 5.Horizontal spacing between objects (fractions, overlays, arrows): ¾ to full letter height 6.Horizontal spacing between text and inside of border: ½ to ¾ of letter height
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 4 General Design Process 7.The appropriate arrow will be larger than the matching font height, and spacing around it will be less than the vertical spacing between lines (½ to ¾ letter height) –Due to the shapes of arrows, compressing space around them doesn't make them appear crowded
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 5 General Design Process 8.Vertical spacing around fractions can be compressed somewhat because fractions are much taller than the rest of the legend on the same line 9.Whenever possible, allow no more than three destinations or street names on a guide sign
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 6 General Design Process Calculating the vertical size of the sign panel Use the following formulas and equivalents to determine the specific dimension: A = Letter height B = Vertical spacing from wording to wording, or from wording to inside border (½ A to ¾ A) C = Arrow/fraction height D = Horizontal spacing from inside border to legend (½ to ¾ A) E = Vertical spacing from arrow to wording, or from arrow to inside border (less than B)
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 7 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 8 General Design Process Calculating the Vertical size of the Sign Panel 1.Add the heights of all objects in the sign, including border thicknesses –The border thickness may have to be estimated if the length of the panels shortest side – height or width – is not known (typical borders widths are summarized in Exhibit 3 2) –Add the thickness of horizontal lines, which will be the same as the value given for border thickness –On signs with Font size combinations on the same line, use the largest size when determining component spacing 2.Add the heights of the spaces between legend lines as well as the spaces between legend lines and border
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 9 General Design Process 3.Add the two totals from Steps 1 and 2, rounding to the nearest number divisible by 6 (6 increments) –This figure is the panel height –Bear in mind that an adjustment may have to be made in border and horizontal line thickness to achieve the right size 4.Because of the rounding of the panel height in Step 3, spacing likely will need to be adjusted –To do this, find the difference between the rounded panel height and the actual total from Step 3 –Then distribute this difference between the spaces on the panel, ensuring to keep B measurements equivalent, D measurements equivalent, and E measurements equivalent –Exceptions to this rule may be necessary in some cases to account for words containing low-hanging letters, such as g, j, p, q, and y, or in other situations
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 10 General Design Process Calculating the Horizontal size of the Sign Panel –Horizontal spacing is fairly automatic in most cases –Primarily, it involves maintaining proper spacing from borders to legend and from legend to vertical lines –The example problems illustrate this in more detail In the few complicated instances instructions are given as to how horizontal spacing can be done –Spacings from legends to borders and vertical lines should be between ½ and ¾ letter height in most cases
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 11 General Design Process Review Panel Structure for Proper Supports Once the panel has been sized using vertical and horizontal spacing guidelines refer to section on page 3-25 to ensure U-Posts will be used versus I-beams
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 12 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign Problem Statement –Using the given conditions listed above and the sign components illustrated below, develop the guide sign using SignCAD paying particular attention to component location, justification, and spacing. Purpose of Example –Color selection –Font, font size, and arrow selection –Vertical spacing –Horizontal spacing
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 13 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 14 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign 1.Given Conditions a.Posted speed limit = 35 mph b.Number of basic lanes = 4 lanes c.Non-Freeway 2.Sign Components a.Proper Name Font A: 6 – 4.5 b.Arrow Head: 13 (13-14 Arrow)
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 15 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 16 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 17 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign 3.Sketch Panel & Create in SignCAD a.Create Sign Components i.Text 1)Font: E Modified 2)Size: ii.Arrow 1)Angle: 0 degrees 2)Head: 13 b.Create Panel c.Drop Objects in Panel d.Alignment – none required
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 18 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign Determine Vertical Dimension of Panel
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 19 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 20 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 21 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 22 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 23 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign Final Sign Panel
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 24 Post Structure –Use 2U-2A post structure Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign
Office of Traffic, Security, and Technology 25 Example #1 Supplemental Guide Sign