My Presidential Minute By : Gabriella C age 10 4 th grade Kristan S age 10 4 th grade
Problems Our Country Faces!! President Obama, President Obama, We are very concerned about our country and how we are going to take care of it!! We really love our country and know you love it as well. Let’s work as a team and make it a group effort to develop strategies to help our environment, and teach each other how to take better care of it and each other. We are very concerned about our country and how we are going to take care of it!! We really love our country and know you love it as well. Let’s work as a team and make it a group effort to develop strategies to help our environment, and teach each other how to take better care of it and each other.
Recycling!!! Recycling is very important to our environment. Recycling is very important to our environment. We need to stop filling our landfills with items that can be recycled. We need to stop filling our landfills with items that can be recycled.
Help The Homeless Please work on a way to help the homeless, by give them warm, healthy food, clean water, and a home. Please work on a way to help the homeless, by give them warm, healthy food, clean water, and a home.
The War!! The War!! The war is very sad and we don’t like it. Can you please stop the war? It makes us sad to see people die when they are protecting our country. The war is very sad and we don’t like it. Can you please stop the war? It makes us sad to see people die when they are protecting our country. The war is very upsetting especially when see small children cry, because someone they love has died. The war is very upsetting especially when see small children cry, because someone they love has died.
The Trees!!! Trees are an important part of our environment. Trees are an important part of our environment. Please encourage people to plant more trees to increase our oxygen supply. Please encourage people to plant more trees to increase our oxygen supply. Please stop the destruction of the rain forests. Please stop the destruction of the rain forests.
Pollution!!!! Pollution is harmful for the environment because it kills a lot of animals and people. Pollution is harmful for the environment because it kills a lot of animals and people. We need clean air to breathe and grow. We need clean air to breathe and grow.
Gas and Food!!! The cost of gas and food is extremely expensive. The cost of gas and food is extremely expensive. Please work on a way to lower the cost. Please work on a way to lower the cost.
Wild Fires!!!! Wild Fires are very dangerous because they burn down our beautiful trees. We NEED the trees for oxygen. Wild Fires are very dangerous because they burn down our beautiful trees. We NEED the trees for oxygen. STOP GLOBAL WARMING! STOP GLOBAL WARMING!
Coral Reefs Save our marine life!! Save our marine life!! Save the fragile coral reefs!! Save the fragile coral reefs!!
Melting Icebergs!!!! Melting icebergs are killing the penguins and other wildlife living in the Antarctic. Melting icebergs are killing the penguins and other wildlife living in the Antarctic. Save the Antarctic animals!