Who LivEs On Floating Ice? By Krasi Sarich
Icebergs Before we find out if there is life on icebergs we have to know a little about what icebergs are and where they are located. A iceberg is a large piece of freshwater ice that has broken off a glacier or a an ice shelf and is floating freely in open water.
Location Icebergs are found in the coldest areas of the North and South poles. Icebergs are found in the Arctic, North Atlantic, and Southern Oceans.
Who lives on Icebergs Penguins live on icebergs drifts. They spend most of the time swimming in ocean looking for fish and krill to eat. Penguins have a thick layer of body fat that keeps them warm and dry even in the coldest water. Seals also live in the cold arctic drifting along icebergs. The live mostly at sea and only come ashore to have babies.
Who lives on Icebergs Walruses are members of the seal family. They live in groups called colonies and also drift along on icebergs. They spend most of their time in the water digging for food like clams, mussels and shrimp. Polar Bears are one of the largest and most ferocious carnivores. They are found in 19 million square miles of Arctic ice.
Animals can live on Icebergs In conclusion animals can live along the iceberg Arctic oceans. The animals that can live there are Polar Bears, Penguins, Seals and Walruses. I learned that these animals can live on the snowdrifts of icebergs in the Arctic Oceans because they have a layer of fat to keep them warm and protect them from the cold. I know animals can live in the Arctic Oceans but I wonder if people can.
Glossary Glacier – A very large area of ice that moves slowly down a slope or valley over a wide area of land. Krill – Small, shrimp like creatures. Carnivores – Meat eaters
Bibliography LAND OF ENDLESS WATER ANTARCTICA,Michael George ICEBERGS-FACTS-STORIES-ACTIVITIES mals/polarbears -and-glaciers/all-about-icebergs