Measuring progress towards delivery of the target Ken Nicholson, ISD
Develop local and national datasets Approach Scottish Government Quest & ISD worked with 2 PDS test sites To inform measures + definitions Facilitate information flow mapping Useful feedback from test sites Wider feedback from you
The Population All those newly Diagnosed with Dementia from 1 st April 2013 All Ages 1 st Year focus on those in the community
So…. The data we need to support the target What we can do to help you collect that data
To support the target Local IT System (National and Local Data) ISD Excel Spreadsheet (National and Local Data) Patient Based Monthly Board Submissions (Cumulative) Local Patient Tracking
To help you National Usage Data Manual Local Usage Local Excel Spreadsheet Data Quality Reports Submission File Code Lists Definitions Secure Transfer Data
Now For The Details
The Target
To deliver expected rates of Dementia diagnosis And by 2015/16, all people newly diagnosed with Dementia will have a minimum of a year’s worth of Post-Diagnostic Support coordinated by a Link Worker including the building of a Person Centred Support Plan
The Measures The ongoing HEAT standard Ensure that PDS has started Confirm 12 months of PDS Overview PDS using 5 Pillars model
The Data (Informed by Test Sites)
The ongoing HEAT standard Current QOF Methodology Min Nat Rec Nat Rec Local
To Inform the HEAT standard & PDS Identifier (CHI) Gender Age Band at Diagnosis Care Home Residence Dementia Sub-Type Stage of Illness at Diagnosis Legal Status at Diagnosis Min Nat Rec Nat Rec Local
Ensure that PDS has started Referral Source Date Referral Received For Diagnosis Date Diagnosis Confirmed Date PDS Offered Date Allocated Link Worker Outcome of PDS Offer Min Nat Rec Nat Rec Local
Confirm 12 months of PDS Date of 1 st Contact With Link Worker PDS in Place at 12 Months Status of PDS at 1 Month Status of PDS at 6 Months Date of End of PDS End of PDS Reason Min Nat Rec Nat Rec Local
Overview PDS using 5 Pillars model Plan for future decision making Peer support status Support Community connections Planning for future care status Under- Standing the illness Min Nat Rec Nat Rec Local
ISD Spreadsheet
The Submission
Link Worker Collects Data Meetings with person with dementia Referral (GP/Other) Recording data (IT/Excel) Ensure you record all national data Items
HB/CHP Collates Data Check all data is received Receive data from Link Workers Sense check data for quality Combine data in NHS board level file
ISD Receives Data Board files collated Submission file uploaded Data quality Analysis and reports
Data Quality Reporting Potential Missing Data Rough Aggregate Figures Differences Between Submissions
Reporting Management Reports To Scottish Government (In Confidence) NHS Board Reports (In Confidence) HEAT Reporting