T1.2a To Find Standard Angles Don’t be alarmed folks, he’s completely harmless unless something startles him.
2 Opener: On a sheet of paper, Find all the angles from 0° to 360° that are multiples of 30° AND/or 45°. Including 0° and 360°, there are 17. These are the STANDARD ANGLES in the first positive rotation. Try to get them in order.
3 Active Learning Assignment Questions?
4 I IV III II Let’s find the standard angles in degrees 0° 30° 45° 60° 90° 120° 135° 150° 180° 210° 225° 240° 270° 300° 315° 330° 360° Patterns?
5 Since radians can be expressed as either π radians or decimal radians, we can convert between the two. To convert from π radians to decimal radians (two decimal places): 2.36– 4.04 I will now hand you a circular function to fill out with the standard angles.
6 To continue with chart: Block 1: Write in the degree, in the correct spot. Block 2: For each angle, convert it to π radians. Block 3: Then convert the π radians to decimal radians (two decimal places). For example: I will give you a few minutes to begin filling in the blocks, then we will go on to the next activity. The rest of this will be finished for your Active Learning Assignment tonight. 1 6 Degreesπ RadiansDecimal Radians
7 Paper folding activity. Quiz?
8 Active Learning Assignment: Create Chart with Standard Angles in Degrees, Pi Radians, &Decimal Radians THIS IS FOR A GRADE. Paper Folding Activity Name shapes and find angles on folded paper.