REM Shelby County Schools School Year
Current Federal/State Law No Child Left Behind (NCLB) No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Reauthorization of IDEA Reauthorization of IDEA Response to Intervention (RTI) Response to Intervention (RTI) Alabama Administrative Code Alabama Administrative Code Building Based Student Support Team Building Based Student Support Team It is a general education initiative, NOT special education It is a general education initiative, NOT special education
BBSST Lee v Macon and the Alabama Administrative Code requires LEAs to operate ACTIVE BBSST programs before referring students for special education. Lee v Macon and the Alabama Administrative Code requires LEAs to operate ACTIVE BBSST programs before referring students for special education. BBSST has provided Alabama a heads up for what is now required by NCLB and what other states are now having to implement to meet the requirements (pre- referral interventions) BBSST has provided Alabama a heads up for what is now required by NCLB and what other states are now having to implement to meet the requirements (pre- referral interventions)
Valid Referrals will contain the following… All plans must be implemented for a minimum of 8-10 weeks (40-50 class days) or a semester for reading and math All plans must be implemented for a minimum of 8-10 weeks (40-50 class days) or a semester for reading and math For reading and math referrals, the RTI plan must be followed For reading and math referrals, the RTI plan must be followed Documentation of numerous accommodations used and their effectiveness Documentation of numerous accommodations used and their effectiveness
Valid Referrals will contain the following… Strategies should be changed during the plan if they are not effective. This should be documented!! Strategies should be changed during the plan if they are not effective. This should be documented!! The teacher meets with the team at the end of the 50 days. The teacher meets with the team at the end of the 50 days. A new plan can be written if needed. If the plan was not effective, then the team should make changes to the plan and exhaust all resources. A new plan can be written if needed. If the plan was not effective, then the team should make changes to the plan and exhaust all resources. Documentation of intervention strategies and Tier intervention Documentation of intervention strategies and Tier intervention A functional assessment of the classroom environment (BASC 2- SOS) A functional assessment of the classroom environment (BASC 2- SOS)
Referrals will NOT be accepted if… Referral form is not completely and accurately filled out Referral form is not completely and accurately filled out The plan has not been implemented for the correct time period The plan has not been implemented for the correct time period A research proven program has not been used for reading A research proven program has not been used for reading The BASC SOS is not completed prior to the referral The BASC SOS is not completed prior to the referral
More reasons referrals will not be accepted… An administrator check has not been documented for the BBSST plan An administrator check has not been documented for the BBSST plan Actual data is not presented with the plan Actual data is not presented with the plan Data does not show that numerous accommodations/interventions have been implemented and found unsuccessful Data does not show that numerous accommodations/interventions have been implemented and found unsuccessful
Getting Ready for REM BBSST recommends to refer student to REM BBSST recommends to refer student to REM The REM chairperson gives a blank referral form to the general education teacher to complete The REM chairperson gives a blank referral form to the general education teacher to complete Classroom teacher completes the referral, providing specific, detailed reasons for the referral Classroom teacher completes the referral, providing specific, detailed reasons for the referral The classroom teacher must give the COMPLETED referral forms to the REM chairperson at least 1 week prior to REM The classroom teacher must give the COMPLETED referral forms to the REM chairperson at least 1 week prior to REM
Preparing for REM Once all referral forms are in, the REM chairperson checks to make sure all required paperwork is accurate and complete Once all referral forms are in, the REM chairperson checks to make sure all required paperwork is accurate and complete REM chairperson creates referral process in SETS and sends home Notice of Proposed Meeting (invitation) and Special Education Rights. Send home the first notice at least 10 days prior to the meeting. REM chairperson creates referral process in SETS and sends home Notice of Proposed Meeting (invitation) and Special Education Rights. Send home the first notice at least 10 days prior to the meeting. The Notice of Proposed Meeting must be sent home. A phone call does not replace the actual documentation. The Notice of Proposed Meeting must be sent home. A phone call does not replace the actual documentation. Record the date the notice was sent and the results of each contact. Record the date the notice was sent and the results of each contact.
REM Chair Responsibilities.. Make sure all required paperwork is completely and accurately filled out Make sure all required paperwork is completely and accurately filled out Ensure that the BASC 2-SOS has been completed Ensure that the BASC 2-SOS has been completed REM chairperson has all materials ready prior to the REM meeting. These materials may include: REM chairperson has all materials ready prior to the REM meeting. These materials may include: Referral Referral BBSST Referral BBSST Referral BASC 2 SOS BASC 2 SOS Documentation of implemented accommodations Documentation of implemented accommodations Data from Tier Interventions Data from Tier Interventions Grades Grades State Assessment Scores State Assessment Scores Dated, grades work samples Dated, grades work samples
Notice of Proposed Meeting What happens if… What happens if… If the parent checks I WILL BE ABLE TO MEET WITH YOU, no further action is required. If the parent checks this option, but does not attend the meeting as scheduled, the meeting may be help with the other required IEP Team members. If the parent checks I WILL BE ABLE TO MEET WITH YOU, no further action is required. If the parent checks this option, but does not attend the meeting as scheduled, the meeting may be help with the other required IEP Team members. If the parent checks I CANNOT meet at the date and time indicated. Please contact me to arrange another time, document this in the RESULT space and reschedule the meeting. If the parent checks I CANNOT meet at the date and time indicated. Please contact me to arrange another time, document this in the RESULT space and reschedule the meeting. If the parent checks, I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MEET WITH YOU I will contact you if I want more information, then hold the meeting as scheduled with the other required participants. If the parent checks, I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MEET WITH YOU I will contact you if I want more information, then hold the meeting as scheduled with the other required participants.
REM/IEP Team Parents – MUST be invited even if they dont attend Parents – MUST be invited even if they dont attend General Education Teacher General Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher REM chairperson (Administrator) REM chairperson (Administrator) LEA Representative (Special Education Program Specialist) LEA Representative (Special Education Program Specialist) Someone who can interpret evaluations (Psychometrist) Someone who can interpret evaluations (Psychometrist)
Reminder…. Documentation must be provided to show that lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math or the students limited English proficiency is NOT the determining factor in identifying a student as having a disability. Documentation must be provided to show that lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math or the students limited English proficiency is NOT the determining factor in identifying a student as having a disability.
REM Procedures… If a student is referred and the team decides not to accept the referral for an evaluation, the student must be referred back to BBSST for further interventions. If a student is referred and the team decides not to accept the referral for an evaluation, the student must be referred back to BBSST for further interventions. If the student is accepted, the time line for testing begins once the parents have signed the Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation If the student is accepted, the time line for testing begins once the parents have signed the Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation