STI SETS For Psychometrists This is the official web site of the Shelby County Board of Education. Any other site that claims to be affiliated with, represent or contain information about any Shelby County School is not endorsed by the Shelby County Board of Education. If you leave the official Shelby County Board of Education web site, the Shelby County School District claims no responsibility for the content beyond this point. ADOS
1. Do not use BACK and Forward because it does not save data. 2. Sign on is the same as your INOW login and password 4. Program will auto-logout after 15 minutes of no activity. 5. Save often F10, OK or select.
STISETS To sign onto STISETS you must do the following: Go to Logins on the Shelby County Website.
Note: Pressing the F11 key (on the keyboard) will further maximize the screen. The three sections of the screen are described as: 1. The Menu Tree on the left of the screen. The Menu tree houses the links you will click to access different areas of the program. You may not see the same areas as someone else, due to security restrictions. 2. The Selected Student portion at the top of the screen. After a student has been selected, their demographic information will be displayed in this area. You cannot edit this information in SETS Web 3. The User Desktop, in the center of the screen. This will be your work area in STISETS Web. This will be the only area you will enter data. Displayed in each of theses areas are three icons: Min: Click the Minimize button to reduce the selected section of the screen. Res: Click the Restore button will return the screen to its original view. Max: Click the Maximize button to enlarge the window to its maximum size. · You will only maximize the User Desktop 2 1 3
Record of Access Located on every student file. Anytime any one looks at a student file, it makes a record of that visit. It will default to the person signed on. That is why it is important not to share your password with ANYONE!
Record of Access: You will notice an electronic record of access link at the bottom of the selected student area. You will simply click on the word Record of Access, to view and add entrys to the electronic record of access. You have the ability to print the record of access here or from the Reports Desktop. STISETSWeb is designed to enter automatic entries for anyone who selects the student and is not the case manager for a child. Ex. The state is auditing and opens the students information they have been instructed to place in their name and state the purpose of this observation. Note: This information will not be displayed until a specific student is selected.
Every form is accessed through the process manager. Go to Select a Student and select the student for which you need to work on.
Type in the name of the student you need. Hit search. You can further filter your search by selecting the correct school. Once the student you are seeking comes up, highlight name and hit select. Once the students file is up, go under student desktop and select process manager and it will take to the process manager for that student. Go to Eligibility form to enter the needed data.
The REM/Eligibility Form Click on line that says assessments
Click on insert and choose the area of assessment you need. Choose the test or data you need to add and put in necessary information. Use the change or delete buttons to make error corrections.
If at first you dont succeed, try, try again!