AGENDA Understanding Organization Data Elements Creating Local Organizations Verifying Organization Data Exercise 2
Understanding Organization Data Elements -- From – this date is the start date of the organization – employees cannot be assigned before the organization start date -- Location – UIC of organization – must be populated so that it can populate on the employee’s HR record -- HR organization – must be checked in order for HR to assign personnel to organization -- Project Expenditure/Event Organization – must be checked or employees assigned to the organization can’t charge hours -- From – this date is the start date of the organization – employees cannot be assigned before the organization start date -- Location – UIC of organization – must be populated so that it can populate on the employee’s HR record -- HR organization – must be checked in order for HR to assign personnel to organization -- Project Expenditure/Event Organization – must be checked or employees assigned to the organization can’t charge hours 3
Understanding Organization Data Elements -- UIC/PAS – must always be populated with the UIC of the organization -- Most common problem associated with this data element: Issue - site is creating a local organization and puts W0EEAALO in the UIC field How MEPRS is affected - the EAS Interface file will error out because the data in the UIC field is to long -- UIC/PAS – must always be populated with the UIC of the organization -- Most common problem associated with this data element: Issue - site is creating a local organization and puts W0EEAALO in the UIC field How MEPRS is affected - the EAS Interface file will error out because the data in the UIC field is to long 4
Understanding Organization Data Elements -- Click on “Others” and “Army LCA Codes” -- These data elements are a big part of your EAS Interface file -- The data elements for all non-available time is pulled from here -- The data elements for the assigned FTEs is pulled from here -- The data elements for loaned time is pulled from here when someone assigned to this project charges time to another project -- Click on “Others” and “Army LCA Codes” -- These data elements are a big part of your EAS Interface file -- The data elements for all non-available time is pulled from here -- The data elements for the assigned FTEs is pulled from here -- The data elements for loaned time is pulled from here when someone assigned to this project charges time to another project 5
Understanding Organization Data Elements Army LCA Codes contain the following: - CCNUM - Start Date - End Date - Classification - DMIS ID - Parent DMIS ID - Organization Long Title - FCC - Service PEC - APC(Department Code) - Loaned Time FCC Army LCA Codes contain the following: - CCNUM - Start Date - End Date - Classification - DMIS ID - Parent DMIS ID - Organization Long Title - FCC - Service PEC - APC(Department Code) - Loaned Time FCC 6
Manpower creates a local organization: – When a new workcenter has been approved on a future TDA with authorizations/requirements – For students where the assigned FTE must go to the student code for MEPRS – So that we only capture the patient care personnel, local organizations are created for WTU patient care personnel Manpower DOES NOT create a local organization when: – MEPRS wants the timecards to flow to a specific person – MEPRS wants to separate the personnel assigned to the TDA paragraph – MEPRS wants to manipulate the source data Creating Local Organizations 7
Using DMHRSi Discoverer Viewer, run the Army LCA Organization report - Go to the DMHRSi web page - Before you enter your user name and password, click on Discoverer Viewer located at the bottom of the page - Log into Discoverer Viewer using your DMHRSi user name and password Army LCA Manager –Continue-select “Army LCA Organizations”-Enter “Parent DMIS ID” and CCNUM Verifying the Organization Data 8
Run the Army LCA Organizations report for your facility, all years Export it to Excel Verify that your current organizations in DMHRSi only have one open set of LCA data elements As a class, we will review one site’s report discuss the data Exercise 9