Objectives Create / Define / Name an Excel table Explore the Ribbon Table Tab Add and delete records (Rows) and Fields (Columns) Add Formulas and change column formatting Sort data Single KeyMulti KeyCustom Sort Filter data Use the Styles options Use the Total Row to summarize a table Use the Outline buttons to show or hide details (Subtotal is a special group function that can be done on a Range of data using the [DATA] tab, BUT CANNOT BE USED ON A TABLE!) 2
Structured Range of Data One of the more common uses of Excel is to manage data – It is not just a calculation tool! Using Excel, you can: Store and update data Sort data Search for and retrieve subsets of data (Filter) Summarize data Create reports and graphs 3
Structured Range of Data In Excel, a collection of similar data can be structured in a range of rows and columns Each column in the range represents a field Each row in the range represents a record You Cannot change the Excel Column Headings (A,B, C…, but you can create Headings to be used with your table) 4
Creating Fields (columns) Keep in mind these best practices Create fields that require the least maintenance Ex. Hire date vs time with company Store the smallest unit of data possible Ex. Store City, State, and Zip in separate fields Apply a text format to fields with numerical text data (esp. if there are leading zeros) Ex. Zip Code, Social Security Number, Product code 5
Structured References Structured References You can reference a specific cell or range in a table with a structured reference Uses the field names, as opposed to the cell reference Similar in functionality to a named cell or range Easy to understand: =SUM(G20:G123) =SUM(Employee[Annual Salary]) 6
Structured References To use a structured reference in a formula or function: Type a left bracket - [ - to open the field list for the table Double-click the field name Type a right bracket - ] 7
Structured References Structured References can also use special qualifiers to refer to special portions of the table, such as the Total Row. 8
Structured Range of Data 9 Museum_00
Tables Range of related data, managed separate from other data on a worksheet Easy access to data management and analysis tools Can have multiple tables in a worksheet 10
Table Features Table Formats and Styles (Depending on selected options, you have different STYLES for Row and Column highlighting) Adding or inserting new rows or columns automatically expands the table range. Easily add a Total Row to calculate summary statistics (Sum, Count, Average, etc) Formulas applied in one cell will automatically be applied to all cells in that field (column) – no need to Copy Down! Formatting can be applied to an entire column Can use the table and field names as a cell reference in a formula. –(It looks complex when you see the formula – but when using – Point-and-Click it is more clear.) For Example to add a formula to find an increase the Appraised value of 10%: =DATA[[#This Row],[Appraised Value]]*0.1 11
Creating an Excel Table Highlight / Select the range of data to be included in the table. Tables don’t need “column Headings” but the features are more useful when they are defined. Ctrl-A is a shortcut to select a range of data Go to the Insert tab – Tables group Click the Table button Ctrl-T is a shortcut to create a new table Verify the RANGE is correct and Check if the table has column headings. 12 Excel will: Create a context Ribbon [Table Design] Tab Add Filter dialog commands to fields (Column Headings) Enter a Table Name to reference the table (Optional )
Creating an Excel Table 13
14 Using a Structured Table If you outside the table, the goes way. Click ANYWHERE on the Table to reactive the [Table Tools] and then the {Design Tab} You may NAME the table so you can use the Table Name as a reference in formulas rather than Absolute Cell Addresses: Inserting a column or row into the table will EXTEND the Table Name Range Adding an Adjacent Column or Row will also EXTEND the Table Name Range. (Use Resize if adding nonadjacent columns)
15 The Ribbon Tab GROUPS Define or Rename a table range Extend the size of a Table if Nonadjacent columns or rows were added Pivot Tables are another Topic Be Careful with REMOVE Duplicates – It actually deletes rows from the Table. Convert to Range: Un-define the Table: Cell Styles will still be applied!- You must Formatting. May also cause problems with Defined Formulas
16 The Ribbon Tab GROUPS External Table Data is an Advanced function Banded Rows and Columns allow for different Color Styles to be applied Header Row – Turns on and off the Titles First and Last Column allow the “MEDIUM” style formatting Total Row is a fast way to get some Summary Statistics about the table.
Using the Total Row A Total row, which you can display at the end of the table, is used to calculate summary statistics for the columns in an Excel table Total rows can be set to display different summary statistics for each field Total rows usually automatically recalculate as records are added and deleted 17
Using the Total Row Go to the Table Tools Design tab - Table Style Options group Click the Total Row check box to insert a check mark Scroll to the end of the table Set the desired summary function 18
Navigation in a Worksheet - REVIEW Move to the right Move to the left Move a row Move to the start of the Row Move to the top of the table Move to the Last Row Move to the top Row Move to first column Move to last column ,,, 19
Finding and Editing Records Go to the [Home tab] - Editing group, click the Find & Select button, and then click Find Type your search criteria in the Find what box, and then click the Find & Select button You could also the Table to select certain record items. 20
Exercise – Table #1 – Table Creation Create a table Renaming a table Formatting a table STYLES Column Formats Adding a Column Adding and Deleting records Adding the TOTAL ROW 21
Sorting and Filtering Allows data to be viewed differently from how it was entered Key functionality of Excel when used to manage data Sort rearranges the data in a table or range, based on the sort criteria (Any SUBTOTALS applied will be reset with a SORT Filters present the data that meets the filter criteria. Filters can be applied to multiple columns When using Filters, care must be taken that you are reporting the data you really want to show! 23
Sorting Data You can rearrange, or sort, the records in a table or range based on the data in one or more fields (Old Limit was 3 levels of sorting) The fields you use to order the data are called sort fields You can sort data in ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order, unless using a custom list 24
Sorting Single Columns Click any cell in the column you want to sort by (You used to have to highlight the range of data you wanted to sort – otherwise it would only sort that column!) Go to the Data tab Sort & Filter group Click the desired sorting button ○ (Sort A To Z or Sort Z To A) 25
Sorting Multiple Columns Click any cell in a table or range Go to the Data tab - Sort & Filter group Click the Multi Sort button to open the Sort dialog box 26
Sorting Multiple Columns Set the primary sort criteria Click the Sort by arrow and select the column heading that you want to specify as the primary sort field Click the Sort On arrow to select the type of data Click the Order arrow to select the sort order 27 To sort by additional columns Click the Add Level button (additional levels are indicated by the words “Then By”) Click the Sort by arrow and select the column heading that you want to specify as the primary sort field Click the Sort On arrow to select the type of data Click the Order arrow to select the sort order
Sorting Using a Custom List A custom list allows you to indicate the sequence in which you want data ordered Used when you want to sort text data outside of the normal Ascending and Descending methods Can use predefined custom lists or define your own. IE: Months: Jan, Feb, Mar, April, May, June…. Days: Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, … Region: North, West, South, East, South West Condition: Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent 28
Sorting Using a Custom List Go to the Data tab - Sort & Filter group Click the Sort button Click the Order arrow, and then click Custom List In the List entries box, type each entry for the custom list, pressing the Enter key after each entry Click the Add button Click the OK button 29
Exercise # 2 – Sorting Sorting by One Column Sorting Data using Multiple Columns Sorting using a custom list 30
31 If the data range is not defined as a table and the column headings do not have the FILTER option, the FILTER Option can be turned on from the HOME tab using the dialog box This option is also used to CLEAR all applied filters
Filtering Excel automatically creates filters when a TABLE is created Clicking the filter arrow in a column opens the Filter menu for that field Data can be filtered by: Cell or font colors Apply Text or Numeric Filters and conditional logic Select specific values 32
Filtering (Example using “Criteria”) 33
Filtering Using Multiple Columns If you need to further restrict the records that appear in a filtered table, you can filter by additional columns Each additional filter is applied to the currently filtered data and further reduces the records that are displayed The Column Heading drop down option indicates if a column has been used to Sort or Filter the data. 34
Creating Criteria Filters Criteria Filters enable you to specify various more complex conditions in addition to those that are based on an “equals” criterion Different data types have different criteria that can be used in a filter 35 Criteria Filters and Selection Filters are mutually exclusive. You cannot mix them!
Creating Criteria Filters 36
Creating Criteria Filters Click on the filter arrow of the field (column) you want to filter by Select the filter type (usually right above the unique values list). The data type of the field will determine the type of filter available Select the filter operator If necessary, provide criteria values 37
Exercise #3 - Filters Filtering by One Column Filtering Data using Multiple Columns Clearing Filters Selecting Multiple Filter Items in One Column Create a NUMBER Criteria Filter Create a TEXT Criteria Filter 38
Calculating Subtotals Subtotals are used to summarize a range of data in Excel Subtotals cannot be applied to an Excel table – if the data being analyzed is in a Table, it must be removed. (Design – Convert to Range) The data must be sorted so it is grouped as desired BEFORE applying subtotals to do “Control Breaks” in the correct order: IE: ○ City / Sex / RaceLocation / Criteria / Artist ○ Race / Grade / SexArtist / Location / Criteria ○ Sex / Grade / Age 40
Calculating Subtotals Sort the data by the column for which you want a subtotal FIRST If the data is in an Excel table, go to the Table Tools Design tab - Tools group, and click the Convert to Range button Go to the Data tab - Outline group, and click the Subtotal button Click the At each change in arrow, and then click the column that contains the group you want to subtotal 41
Calculating Subtotals Click the Use function arrow, and then click the summary function you want to use In the Add subtotal to box, click the check box for each column that contains the values you want to summarize To calculate another category of subtotals, click the Replace current subtotals check box to remove the check mark, and then repeat the previous three steps Click the OK button 42
Calculating Subtotals 43
Using the Subtotal Outline View The Subtotal feature also applies an outline to the data so you can control the level of detail that is displayed The three Outline buttons at the top of the outline area (left side of the worksheet area) allow you to show or hide different levels of detail in the worksheet Level 3 – displays the most detail Level 2 – displays the subtotal rows and the grand total Level 1 – displays only the grand total 44
Using the Subtotal Outline View 45
Using the Subtotal for Student Grades 46 NameGradeSexRaceMathEnglishScienceAverage Bill7MW Amy7FW Sandy7FB Carol8FB David8MB This is a subset select of Student Data you have been asked to summarize. You have been asked to Count and average subject scores and Total Average by Grade, Sex and Race
And now for a break… Can you name these famous Excel cells? The steak sauce cell The dog cell The fighter jet cell The Irish rock group cell The explosive cell The vegetable juice cell 47
And now for a break… The steak sauce cellA1 The dog cellK9 The fighter jet cellF16 The Irish rock group cellU2 The explosive cellC4 The vegetable juice cellV8 48