® 1 MTAC 138 April 23, 2014 MTAC 138 October 22, 2014
® 2 Agenda Roll Call eInduction Status eInduction Shipments with a Continuous MID PostalOne! Quick Status Report - Revised Misshipped Error Thresholds Industry Issues List Action Items Questions
® 3 Roll Call + Review Meeting Minutes Roll call Minutes from October 15 th meeting will posted on MITS Confirm items closed during previous meeting: Questions or concerns?
® 4 eInduction Status
® 5
® 6 eInduction Shipments with Continuous MID The eInduction Team has received feedback from the field that containers with a continuous MID are often accompanied with an If a mailer is using a MID that is registered as Continuous for eInduction, any container with that MID is considered as flagged for eInduction and does not require a paper form. (Exception - NON-SV sites do require containers to be linked to appointment) Mailers should not be sending 8125’s with any containers that have a continuous MID to Surface Visibility sites.
® 7 PostalOne! Quick Status Query Report-Revised IMcbPostage Statement Mailing Date Release StatusScan Date/TimeScan FacilityUnload StatusInduction Status 99M /26/2014PaymentNone 99M /26/2014Cleared1000 7/29/2014Dulles-X29745ExpectedAccepted 99M /26/2014Payment1001 7/29/2014Dulles-X29745Not-ExpectedRejected 99M /26/2014Planned Entry Point /29/2014Suncoast MisshippedRejected 99M /26/2014Non-SV1300 7/29/2104Tucson-Z10944NoneAccepted 99M /26/2014Continuous1300 7/29/2014Dulles-X29745ExpectedAccepted 99M /26/2014Entry Point Discount /29/2014Dulles-X29745ExpectedAccepted 99M Intelligent Mail Container Barcode has not been identified for eInduction in eDoc. Please check that barcode is included in the eDoc file and the eInduction Indicator = “Y”. Report will only show eDoc, validation, and induction data for eInduction containers
® 8 Answers to Questions about Revised EPD/Misshipped Validations Mail Direction File Effective Dates Pre-Induction: Postage Statement Mailing Date Post-Induction: Scan Date Consistent with Seamless/Full Service Implemented for eInduction in the January 2015 Release
® 9 Industry Issues List Review industry issues list
® 10 Action Items O PEN I TEMS : Provide updated SV site list based on network consolidation Provide draft of eInduction Certification to industry Review and discuss the value of incentive for 100% eInduction For non-SV solution: Confirm if there is no content available in FAST if an error will occur N O E ARLIER T HAN A UGUST 8 - August 2014 Release Provide a 1-page guide on enabling barcode-content association via eDoc for one-time appointments after CAT testing
® 11 Action Items O PEN I TEMS : Explain how data from non-SV site verifications are shown on report Confirm PostalOne! data comparison for a paid container Confirm there will be an Excel download option for 3 rd party report Provide industry feedback to PostalOne! regarding 3 rd party report Review feasibility of including error information on Mailer Scorecard around the number of eInduction containers incorrectly included on 8125 counts Review IT system design to ensure that eInduction containers included on 8125 counts will not result in system failure(s) Work with IT Teams to develop date range functionality for Shipping Summary Report Work with SV Team to determine potential impacts of entry point scan information alignment error Provide industry with information and data to determine differences between mis-ship reporting from SV and non SV Share the Helpdesk log and files with the FAST User Group
® 12 MTAC 138 April 23, 2014 Questions?