USING DATA Using good data can save a lot of time in the recruitment process. Today we will discuss: How to access data that will help you find eligible families and youth How to document more of what is happening in your communities in relation to community resources, agriculture statistics and more.
DATA RESOURCES National Agriculture Census CropScape H2-A Job Postings Farm Subsidies Community Contact Checklist Old Address List Google Maps
Agriculture Census KY Census:
What is Crop Scape? Based on agriculture census reports taken each year Crops are mapped out by region You can view them from prior years Views can show multiple crops Can be specific to areas Reports can be made directly from these maps Site: Demo:
Lots of data and lots of ways to use it
Crop Scape- Various reporting tools
H2-A Labor-
Farm Subsidies Database
Adult Education Afterschool Programs Ag. Ext. Agent Apartment Complexes Banks Boys and Girls Club Churches Colleges Dentists Doctors Employment Offices ESL Teachers GED English/Spanish Head Start Migrant Head Start Health Department Human Services Lawyers Laundromats Mexican Stores Migrant Employers Police Hispanic Businesses Translators Trailer Parks United Way Volunteers Libraries Community Contacts Checklist This list is compiled into an excel sheet to make recording and organized data easier.
Old Address List Our Data Entry Specialist works to keep a running list of old addresses for students that we have had in the program. This list is put into an excel file which is easily accessed by all recruiters. Migrant workers often will come and live in the same housing areas as they are areas that are affordable, close to work areas, and/or have weekly or monthly leases. The old address list is a very useful data source for following housing trends and being sure all possible housing areas are covered each season.
Google Maps
We use it as a database for information regarding farms, fields, housing, stores, restaurants, laundromats, community contacts, etc. We work to post our number flyers at as many of these locations as possible to also reach out to eligible migrants. Each county has a map with any information we have related to ag in that county. As recruiters are out in the field working, they send in daily reports which include any updates that need to be made to the map. Recruiters can view the maps before recruiting in a county to become familiar with what is there and plan accordingly. cHIg.kSKb3um2kCwk
Daily Reports Each recruiter is required to send in a daily report within 24 hours of working. Reports outline the activities of the day, broken down by the hours, and a summary of what they found at each location they stopped at. The top section also highlights important findings from the day as well as leads to follow up on when in the county again. Reports are submitted to supervisors and shared with other staff members who work in that area so everyone can collaborate and keep up wit what is happening in that county.
County resource guide English Books and CDs Bilingual Guides English in Minutes Series Hygiene bags Spanish/English Dictionary Gloves and Bandana Reading is Fundamental Books Services provided upon recruitment
Questions or Comments? Hilary Maitlen ID&R and Staffing Coordinator Tennessee Migrant Education Program Jessica Castañeda Statewide Coordinator