Wearable Computing Meets Ubiquitous Computing Reaping the best of both worlds Bradley J. Rhodes, Nelson Minar and Josh Weaver MIT Media Lab, E Ames St. Cambridge, MA {rhodes | minar |
Introduction Problems with ubiquitous computing Wearable computing to the rescue (?) Problems with wearable computing
Introduction Ubiquitous computing and wearable computing are often applied in very similar applications. We then attempt to demonstrate that the failing of both ubiquitous and wearable computing can be alleviated by the development of systems that properly mix the two.
Problems with ubiquitous computing 1.Privacy issues: Probably the most important problem is that ubiquitous computing environments pose serious privacy risks. 2.Difficulty with personalized information: The second problem is that it is often difficult to maintain personalization of ubiquitous computing system.
Wearable computing to the rescue (?) The wearable perspective suggests that instead of putting sensors and cameras in the room, put them on the person. wearable always travels with the wearer, personal profiles never need to be transfered to a new environment. Furthermore, wearable computers are an inherently more private location for sensitive data because it never needs to leave the person.
Problems with wearable computing Wearable systems are well suited to providing privacy and personalizations, but they tend to lack in other areas: 1. Localized information 2. Localized control 3. Resource management
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