Prescryption DrugSafe “Imagine a world where technology enables us to live healthier lives” CSE403 – LCO Proposal Team DrugSafe: Brian Ma Jenny Yuen Jon Su
Ideal Current Scenario Jon is sick and goes to see a doctor. Jon is sick and goes to see a doctor. The doctor writes him a prescription. The doctor writes him a prescription. Jon runs to a local pharmacy Jon runs to a local pharmacy Jon waits in a long line only to drop off his prescription. Jon waits in a long line only to drop off his prescription. Jon should have his prescribed medicine with the right dosage to take home. Jon should have his prescribed medicine with the right dosage to take home.
Problems Only 20% of patients are satisfied with the prescription process. (NIH) Only 20% of patients are satisfied with the prescription process. (NIH) Inaccuracy, Speed, and Efficiency: Inaccuracy, Speed, and Efficiency: Doctor’s messy handwriting Doctor’s messy handwriting Prescriptions easily forged Prescriptions easily forged Wait time in pharmacy lines are long Wait time in pharmacy lines are long Pharmacists manually type prescription information Pharmacists manually type prescription information Accessibility: Accessibility: Pharmacies need to call doctors, who are usually busy Pharmacies need to call doctors, who are usually busy Prescriptions can be lost easily Prescriptions can be lost easily Many pharmacies have no electronic copies Many pharmacies have no electronic copies Information: Information: Consumers know little about the drug/prescription or related alternatives. Consumers know little about the drug/prescription or related alternatives.
Prescryber Prescrypt Verify Prescryption Cell Prescryption DrugInfo Retriever Legacy DB Prescrypt Filler authorization Encryption Capture QR Code Walk to pharmacy Get relevant Info Expiration Validation System Architecture
QR Codes QR Codes are basically 2-dimensional UPC or barcodes capable of holding quite a bit more data than a standard UPC code. It's an internationally standardized system of encoding information so that it can be read by a visual scanner. QR Codes are basically 2-dimensional UPC or barcodes capable of holding quite a bit more data than a standard UPC code. It's an internationally standardized system of encoding information so that it can be read by a visual scanner. These codes are quite common in Japan and are often seen on flyers and magazine ads. Cellular phone users can scan the code with their built-in camera and immediately have all the contact info they need entered into their camera, sorted appropriately. These codes are quite common in Japan and are often seen on flyers and magazine ads. Cellular phone users can scan the code with their built-in camera and immediately have all the contact info they need entered into their camera, sorted appropriately. ( ( Scenarios: Scenarios: Coke Ads online Coke Ads online Downloading Ring Tones Downloading Ring Tones
Operational Concepts Objectives Objectives Increase accuracy and efficiency of prescription transactions Increase accuracy and efficiency of prescription transactions Reduce overhead required for prescription processing Reduce overhead required for prescription processing Provide patients with information on prescription and alternatives Provide patients with information on prescription and alternatives Scope Scope Seamless integration into legacy systems Seamless integration into legacy systems No unified store for patient’s medical history No unified store for patient’s medical history Doesn't seek to solve patient insurance problems Doesn't seek to solve patient insurance problems Major benefits Major benefits Paperless Paperless Consistent and accurate electronic data Consistent and accurate electronic data Verified and secured doctor’s signature Verified and secured doctor’s signature Easily accessible prescription information Easily accessible prescription information Traceable prescription history Traceable prescription history
System Requirements Software Software Cell phone client with wireless connectivity capabilities. Cell phone client with wireless connectivity capabilities. Web interface for doctors/pharmacies to submit and retrieve prescriptions. Web interface for doctors/pharmacies to submit and retrieve prescriptions. Prescryption Drugsafe Server for authorization of doctors and pharmacies. Prescryption Drugsafe Server for authorization of doctors and pharmacies. StakeHolders StakeHolders Doctors and pharmacists pay a small fee for registering with the verification server Doctors and pharmacists pay a small fee for registering with the verification server Consumers will get the service for free Consumers will get the service for free Profit from ads when displaying related info Profit from ads when displaying related info
Why? Healthcare is one of the largest industries in the world and affects the lives of almost every consumer. Healthcare is one of the largest industries in the world and affects the lives of almost every consumer. Pharmaceuticals and prescription drug industry have many problems. Pharmaceuticals and prescription drug industry have many problems. Complex Complex Non-uniformity Non-uniformity Hassle of picking up prescriptions Hassle of picking up prescriptions
Feasible? Definitely! Definitely! Hardware Hardware Widespread cellphone use Widespread cellphone use 62% of American adults owned a cell phone 62% of American adults owned a cell phone Cameras are becoming standard functionality Cameras are becoming standard functionality QR codes are already mainstream in Japan QR codes are already mainstream in Japan Availability of wireless internet connections Availability of wireless internet connections Software Software Centralized verification systems like PrescryptVerify Centralized verification systems like PrescryptVerify Success of services such as VeriSign Success of services such as VeriSign Cellphone development Cellphone development Cellphones over the past few years have come equipped standard with the ability to run complex computer software Cellphones over the past few years have come equipped standard with the ability to run complex computer software
Looking Forward Unified record keeping system between all pharmacies. Unified record keeping system between all pharmacies. Carrying of all personal medical information Carrying of all personal medical information Groceries, finances, or shopping… Groceries, finances, or shopping… Reducing the need for things such as receipts or shopping lists, while not intruding into the user’s privacy to the point of unease. Reducing the need for things such as receipts or shopping lists, while not intruding into the user’s privacy to the point of unease. Scenarios: Scenarios: Shopping for electronics, clothes, foods Shopping for electronics, clothes, foods Universally accessible information at its best! Universally accessible information at its best!