Subject: CVS SYSTEM PART II Twenty Questions Subject: CVS SYSTEM PART II
Twenty Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1. When blood pressure is higher than normal, this is called Hypertension
2. Which component of blood is 90% water? Plasma.
These cells fight disease White blood cells
4. The job of the ventricles is to pump
5. How many loops does the human CVS contain? two
6. The largest blood vessel in the body is the Aorta
7. The CVS consists of the heart, blood vessels, and Blood (lungs ok)
8. The smallest blood vessels are called capillaries
9. The ________ blood cells have a nuclei white
10. The iron containing protein found in red blood cells that carries the oxygen is ____________. hemoglobin
11. Lymph nodes will _____ when they are helping the body fight infection. Enlarge, swell, etc.
12. The risk of _____ _____ is higher for people who smoke Heart attack
13. Number of chambers in the human heart Four
14. What are the four blood types A, B, AB, & 0
15. Takes blood back to the heart veins
16. These open and close to allow blood to move in only one direction valves
17. On the first loop, blood goes from the heart to the lungs to the _________.
18. When blood moves from the right atrium to the right ventricle, it must go through the ______________________ valve. Tricuspid
19. Blood enters the right atrium through the __________________ & _____ _______ vena cavas Superior & Inferior
20. What brings blood back from the lungs to the heart once again? Pulmonary vein