Tricare 2001 Conference JCAHO Emergency Management Standards for Healthcare Facilities CDR Robert G. Darling, MC, USN Medical Director, Aeromedical Isolation Team and Containment Care U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases Fort Detrick, Maryland
Tricare 2001 Conference JCAHO Emergency Management Standards Historically “Environment of Care” Standards Horizontal and Vertical Integration Update / Clarification of EM standards
Tricare 2001 Conference JCAHO Emergency Management Standards Significant revisions: –EC 2.14 Testing of emergency power sources –EC 2.9 Drills and Exercises –EC 2.10 Fire Drills –EC 1.6 Plans must address Emergency Management
Tricare 2001 Conference JCAHO Emergency Management Standards EC 1.6 Emergency Management –Address 4 phases: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery –“All hazards” approach vice “disaster specific” – Employ a “Hazard Vulnerability Analysis” – Integrate with community-wide emergency response agencies
Tricare 2001 Conference JCAHO Emergency Management Standards EC 1.6 Emergency Management –Logistics of critical supplies, staff and family- support issues, media interaction, security –Alternative Care Sites –Must coordinate with the local EM community
Tricare 2001 Conference JCAHO Emergency Management Standards Definitions: –Disaster (civil disturbance) –Mitigation –Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Other (hazardous materials)
Tricare 2001 Conference
Points of Contact CAPT Vince Musashe CDR Jerry Mothershead CDR Randy Culpepper CDR Rob Darling LCDR Craig Howard