EDEN’s Role in Disaster Education Becky Koch, EDEN Chair North Dakota State University
EDEN History 1993 Midwest floods – lessons learned CSREES grant to Iowa, Illinois & Missouri North Central Region committee 1997 – started becoming national 2002 CSREES training grant 2005 – all 50 states and three territories members
EDEN Mission Share educational resources to reduce the impact of disasters Interdisciplinary and multi-state programs Linkages with federal, state and local agencies & organizations Anticipation of future disaster education needs Timely communication & information delivery to meet audience needs Credible, reliable information
Disaster Phases Preparedness Prevention Response Recovery Mitigation
EDEN Institutional Members All 50 states + 3 territories 1862 & 1890 Land Grants Sea Grants CSREES
What is EDEN? Primarily a network Some programming Dedicated “volunteers” representing more 20 different program areas in various positions
EDEN Executive Committee Chair Becky Koch, ND, Communications Chair-elect Dave Filson, PA, Emergency Preparedness & Response Secretary Virginia Morgan, AL, Communications Past Chair Ed Jones, NC, Ext. Administration Marketing – Linda Williams, MT, County FCS Agent Professional Development – Eric Evans, MO, Em. Mgmt. Information Clearinghouse – Rick Atterberry, IL, Communications Annual Meeting – Sam Comstock, VT, Livestock
EDEN Executive Committee 1890s – Dawn Mellion-Patin, LA, Agriculture Sea Grant –Bob Bacon, SC Sea Grant CSREES Liaisons – Joe Wysocki and Bill Hoffman ECOP Liaison – Larry Arrington, FL Homeland Security Project Director – Steve Cain, IN Communication Specialist – Abigail Borron, IN Web Manager – Pat Skinner, LA Webmaster – Summer Prisock, LA
All Disasters are Local
Local Extension educators: Must be prepare their families Must prepare their offices Can help prepare their communities
Database of member resources State information, including institutional delegates EDEN-developed materials – National Preparedness Month, online courses
Intranet – only organizational information –Issue page development –Operating guidelines, strategic plan draft, meeting minutes –Marketing materials
Online Courses Plant Biosecurity Management Course, 2006 Edition –Created by University of Missouri
Online Courses OnGuard: Protecting America’s Food System –Created by University of Minnesota
Online Courses USDA’s Roles in the National Response Plan –Created by North Dakota State University
Online Courses Ready Business –A collaborative effort by EDEN and DHS –Community development specialists
Online Courses Pandemic Preparedness for Businesses
Online Courses Ready Business + 4-H
Online Courses Pandemic Influenza Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations –In cooperation with CDC
Online Courses Animal Agrosecurity and Emergency Management Course –University of Kentucky
eXtension Pioneer Communities of Practice –Agrosecurity –Flooding
Southern Region Planning Input from all program committees Draft guidelines, policies and action items for Extension disaster education and management Possible template for other regions
Animal Agrosecurity Conferences Develop partnerships & plans Extension, state vet, Dept. of Ag, livestock assns, Emergency Mgmt., Health, etc. Coming – food security conferences
Avian Influenza Team South Dakota State & Maryland Preparedness & response Coordinate with other entities Develop information, including in Spanish Train Extension educators Related eXtension resources
Relationships Dept. of Homeland Security Other USDA agencies Non-governmental organizations
EDEN Support – FY06 $290,000 from CSREES Food and Ag Defense Initiative Fund $190,000 from CSREES supplemental funds Immeasurable value from member institutions – 2002 educator survey estimated $2 million
EDEN is Us EDEN “staff” – 1.05 FTEs at Purdue and.75 at LSU –Coordination, communications, Web support All others “volunteers” EDEN is only as strong as delegates contribute to make it
What You Can Do Share resources in the EDEN database & by Promote EDEN resources Attend the annual meeting Support staff development
What You Can Do Encourage educators to work with county Emergency Management, learn NIMS, possibly have EOC seat Develop institutional communication & continuity plans Develop state and county disaster education teams/program plans
Brainstorm More What You Can Do Delegate roles and responsibilities committee chaired by Dawn Mellion- Patin, Southern University
EDEN’s Work Former Secretary Johanns commended EDEN at Infragard and International Symposium on Agroterrorism Kevin Cox, Hope Crisis Response Network CEO – “If more people used EDEN resources, our job would be easier.” Positive CSREES Program Review
All Disasters are Local – So is Extension It’s a Matter of When, not If – Be Prepared