WHAT? ROMEO – ROULARTA RESEARCH AND IPSOS -Barometer in partnership with the Ipsos research agency -Monthly measuring of 5 advertisements, whether print, online or television -The Roularta research panel responds to a questionnaire (N:10.464) -Started in January ads measured yet (July 2015)
WHAT? ROMEO – METHODOLOGY 1.Quantitative evaluation of the advertisement -Recognition -Spontaneous attribution -Aided attribution -Useful score -Likeability 2.Qualitative: in-depth evaluation of the advertisement -Attention -Bonding -Perception of the campaign 3.Results split into: AD-HOC question Recognition of the advert/No recognition Basis: those who have recognized the advert Basis: all those who have read the last issue of...
WHAT? ROMEO – ADVERTISEMENTS/USEFUL SCORE Miele Useful score: 32% Breitling Useful score: 54% Mercedes Useful score: 60%
WHAT? ROMEO – METHODOLOGY EXAMPLE OF AD-HOC QUESTION: TYPE CHEF IKEA For you cooking is … A hobby A task A necessity A form of relaxation => Create the following 2 categories: Hobby-recreation Obligation-task Split on the basis of this question The list of AH questions is prepared in advance: per sector/question
WHAT? ROMEO – ROULARTA TITLES PRINT Knack Trends Sport / Voetbalmagazine Trends Style Knack Weekend Nest Plus Magazine Le Vif/L’Express Trends - Tendances Sport / Foot Magazine Le Vif Weekend ONLINE Knack Knack Weekend Trends TELEVISION - KanaalZ/Canal Z Which titles were included in the study?