Freshman GROUP ADVISING (0-29 earned credits) Registration for Spring 2016
To Do List – PRIOR to Group Advising Update your four-year plan Check URSA account for ‘ Holds ’ and registration date Note: ‘ Holds ’ prohibit registration Check for transfer credit accuracy
Where are your classes located? Carefully check the location of your classes Make sure your classes are at UNC Is there a UNC building with a room number? DO NOT register for any class with: LOWR, LOV or COSP location DIST = Extended Studies {additional tuition cost}
Art and Music Concentrations Visual Arts Concentration – contact regarding classes Music Concentration - MUS prefix classes are for music majors the professors with requests to take their class as elementary education students with a music concentration.
Information for Science Class Registration BIO 265, SCI 265, and ESCI 265 You must register for both the Lecture (3-4 cr) ~AND ~ for the Lab (0 cr) **Submit both CRN #s at the same time
ESL Information
Community College Courses
GPA is Very Important! Please take your grades seriously! There are two grade checkpoints in the Elementary Education program that you should start working towards right now. You need a 2.75 cumulative GPA for classes in the PTEP portion (IV on the ELED checklist) of the degree and a 3.0 cumulative GPA for your last two semesters.... Your Literacy Practicum and Student teaching. The more credits you accumulate, the harder it is to raise your GPA with a semester of classes. The most practical, efficient, and least stressful strategy is to earn a 3.0 cumulative GPA early in your college career and maintain it.
Grade Replacement Best way to raise your GPA
Sign-up for your Group Advising Session Everyone must sign-up for a Group Advising session: Call the ELED Office: OR Stop by the ELED Office : McKee 216
Interim Registration Registration for Interim 2015 begins October 5th No PIN required If applicable please check with Financial Aid regarding funding
Summer Registration 2016 Summer Registration Registration opens on April 4 th No PIN needed. Most classes are offered in 6 week semesters. Please balance this carefully with your summer plans.
Be a Volunteer ! Teacher Employment Days Teacher Employment Days (TED) April 7 & 8 More than 100 school districts from approximately 14 states will be represented First-hand opportunity to observe the process of teacher candidate interviews Volunteers are needed in numerous areas: Greeting Refreshments Directions/information * Details will be sent via the Listserv
Elementary Education Advisor Located in McKee Jaime Donahue
Final Notes You can make an individual appointment after attending Group Advising if you have more questions or need to discuss issues privately No PIN numbers are given in individual appointments