Career Goals
Recall from previous sessions… You articulated a 5-10 year career goal Why career goals? – To help develop your intrapersonal skills You manage yourself better by setting appropriate goals (e.g., careers) Complete first part of career worksheetworksheet – Articulate your 5-10 year career goals Human et al 1999, Janasz et al
Did you choose the right career for yourself? Complete Interest Inventory that compares similarity of your interests to those in a particular field Download and install the O*NET® Computerized Interest Profiler from the following link items rated as “like”, “unsure” and “dislike”
- Realist: working with gadgets - Investigative: scientific, mathematics - Artistic: creative expression in art - Social: helping professions, team work - Enterprising: leadership, entrepreneur - Conventional: structured work environments Holland (1985) What are interests?
Examples of interests Investigative: economics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering Artistic: drama, art, music, English, architecture Social: history, political science, sociology, nursing, social work, education Enterprising: business management, public administration, marketing and sales. Rosen, Holmberg, & Holland, 1989
Why are interests valid?--I Interests are related to Personality Vocational InterestsBig Five Dimension SocialExtraversion SocialAgreeableness ArtisticOpenness to Experience InvestigativeOpenness to Experience EnterprisingExtraversion Larson, Rottinghaus, Borgen, 2002
Why are interests valid?--II Interests describe work environments – (e.g., a law firm, a university department, a hospital, a school). Use your interests to find a work environment that matches your interests
Your job satisfaction and performance may depend on the fit between your interest profile and the profile of your workplace (Holland, 1997). Match between interests of employees and those satisfied by the job predicts higher satisfaction (Spokane et al 2000) and performance (p. 190 Aamodt) Why are interests valid?--II I
But interests are only one aspect of how you choose your career What skills, values, and qualities do you have? Get results about 1. Top 10 Skills you want to use (e.g. Delegate) 2. Your top 10 personal qualities (e.g. Serious) 3. Top 3 work interest areas (e.g. Business, Social) 4. Your top personal values (e.g. Job security) Go to UTSC career centre assessment
Additional benefits of UTSC Career Centre Assessment Results Further validation of the results you obtained with other assessments (e.g. O*NET). – E.g., O*NET may have indicated to you that your interest is mainly “Social” and “Enterprising” and Career Centre Self Assessment results indicated that your top three work interest areas is Business, Social and Health. (validity) – Enables you to recognize and reconcile if differences do occur!
Evaluate effectiveness of career goals based on goal setting theory and research – Why goals improve performance Focus attention ***Promote use of knowledge*** Increase amt of time on task Increase amt of effort on task – What makes goals more effective in improving performance Commitment to goals ***Knowledge of how to attain goals*** Feedback on progress toward goals Specificity & difficulty of goals Situational constraints After confirming that you chose the right career for yourself….
Do you have the knowledge to obtain your career goals? – I Align your career interest with possible positions according to level of education and preparation you would need, by Clicking “Job Zone” after you install and complete the Onet survey questions – “Job zones" assesses how much preparedness you have....
Go to Career Cruising – external website that features Canadian information on over 450 occupations including expected salary (more on this in negotiation session of this course) Use O*NET® Computerized Interest Profiler and Career Centre Self Assessment results, when using Career Cruising website to obtain more information regarding the suggested occupations such as average salary and other packages Do you have the knowledge to obtain your career goals? – II
How To Get Free Access To Career Cruising ? 1.Log onto UTSC Career Centre Online with your UTORid and password On the left sidebar, you will see a link to Career Cruising under miscellaneous. Click on the link and that will take you directly to the Career Cruising website.
What to do once on the site? 1.Click on the “careers” tab and search your suggested occupation
How did you incorporate your awareness about yourself (personality, skills, & interests) into the career goals you set for yourself? How will the goals you set for yourself help you perform better and be more satisfied with your career? Additional Discussion Questions on Career Interests