SCOTS ANNUAL SEMINAR 11 MAY 2012 INVESTING IN OUR FUTURE Restarting the importance of the transport network to how we deliver economic development
INK INTO ACTION Engineering and Safer Communities William Munro, Chair Aberdeenshire Community Safety Partnership
Scottish Government Themes Growing the economy Tackling sectarianism Addressing Scotland’s unhealthy relationship with alcohol The reform of public services Putting a jobs agenda at the heart of the programme for government Internationalism
Single Outcome Agreements Greener Healthier Safer and Stronger Smarter Wealthier and Fairer
OUTCOMES ExpertiseEngagement Evidence
SAFE COMMUNITIES WHAT ARE THEY? Road Safety Property Safety Public Place Safety Acquisitive Crime Vandalism Antisocial Behaviour Perceptions
SAFE COMMUNITIES EXAMPLES OF STAKEHOLDERS Police Engineers Planners Business Residents Community Councils Community Learning & Development Social Work Education Fire & Rescue Maritime & Coastguard Agency Public Individuals Recreation Providers
SAFE COMMUNITIES EXAMPLES OF TOOLS Design Management Maintenance CCTV Legislation Information Analysis Civic Pride Facilities Activities
PERCEPTION EVIDENCE Road Maintenance Feeling safe in Community Feeling safe at Home Drugs Alcohol Road Safety Perception < Evidence Perception > Evidence Perception < Evidence Perception > Evidence Perception < Evidence
Perception of Safety
Serious Assault
CONCLUSIONS Evidence Engagement Expertise Evaluation Partnership