ObjectivesTasksWho's InvolvedStartEnd Long Term Goals (7-10 years out): Obtain a teaching position in a culinary school or institution as a culinary educator - teach others how to cook. Research potential teaching sites; network with fellow Chefs; network with culinary educators; determine location; update resume; send out resume and follow up; schedule interviews; follow up on interviews; receive offers; consider offers; decline offers; accept offer; plan for potential move to teaching site; execute move to teaching site; settle in; orient self to area and school; begin teaching Fellow culinary professionals; human resource managers; The American Culinary Federation; myself; school administrators and department heads/deans; movers; websites to post resumes Beginning year 10Upon acceptance of a teaching position at an institution of my choosing Earn a Master's Degree in a culinary related discipline (Hotel/Restaurant Management, Business Administration, Food Science). Research schools and programs; determine which school/program is best for my wife and I; take GRE; forward GRE results and undergraduate transcripts/resume to selected schools; await replies/follow up; receive acceptance letters; choose school; coordinate for Post-911 GI bill funding for degree; Obtain books/supplies, etc; attend classes and complete requirements for degree; graduate The internet; selected schools and their admissions personnel; department heads/chairs; students already attending selected schools; school registrars; the Veteran's Adminstration; myself; my wife; GRE administration sites and personnel Beginning year 8Upon graduation
Earn certification as an American Culinary Education (ACF) Certified Culinary Educator (CCE). Research requirements at determine what further education needed for certification and obtain same; schedule written and practical exams; study for written and practical exams; conduct practice exams The ACF; institutions of higher learning and continuing education; test adminstrators; fellow chefs; Certified Culinary Educators; myself; my wife Beginning year 7Upon Certifcation as a Certified Culinary Educator Mid Term Goals (2-7 years out): Work as a Sous Chef and/or Executive Chef for 2-3 years in a catering/banquet or fine dining establishment. Research potential jobs and locations; determine best fit for me and my wife given subsequent career goals; send out resumes and network with other chefs to obtain interviews and opportunities; follow up on resumes; trail/stage as required; obtain needed training or certification to make myself more marketable; continue to hone leadership/management/teaching as well as cooking skills Potential Employers, head chefs, executive chefs, restaurant owners; myself; fellow cooks and chefs; my wife; institutions of higher learning Beginning year 4Ongoing; end date TBD Work as a Chef de Partie for 1-2 years in a catering/banquet or fine dining establishment. Research potential jobs and locations; determine best fit for me and my wife given subsequent career goals; send out resumes and network with other chefs to obtain interviews and opportunities; follow up on resumes; trail/stage as required; obtain needed training or certification to make myself more marketable; continue to hone leadership/management/teaching and cooking skills Potential Employers, head chefs, executive chefs, restaurant owners; myself; fellow cooks and chefs; my wife; institutions of higher learning Beginning year 2Ongoing; end date TBD
Work as a line cook/tournant for 1-2 years in a catering/banquet or fine dining establishment. Research potential jobs and locations; determine best fit for me and my wife given subsequent career goals; send out resumes and network with other chefs to obtain interviews and opportunities; follow up on resumes; trail/stage as required; obtain needed training or certification to make myself more marketable; continue to hone leadership/management/teaching and cooking skills Potential Employers, head chefs, executive chefs, restaurant owners; myself; fellow cooks and chefs; my wife; institutions of higher learning Upon graduation from NECI in September 2010 End of Year 2 Short Term Goals (1 year out): Exceed standards in the remainder of my classes at the New England Culinary Institute. Exceed standards according to performance rubrics; do more than the minimum; set the example for both my peers and Chef-Instructors alike; achieve excellence in everything I do; learn as much as is possible and maximize my education Myself; fellow students; Chef Instructors; culinary mentors Ongoing at presentUpon graduation in September 2010
Exceed standards on my second internship. Make a good first impression on my Chef and co-workers; never let anyone out-work me; set the example for all to follow; arrive at internship ready to work; become and integrated part of team from day one; work on noted areas of weakness; share my knowledge with others when needed and solicited; help make the internship a better place Myself; my Chef at the internship site; Career Services at NECI; Chef- Instructors at NECI; fellow students; team members at internship site Upon arrival at internship site Upon completion of internship Obtain an internship in either a teaching or research/scientific environment, or a lower volume restaurant/resort/catering operation. Research internship sites; contact Chefs at selected sites; arrange for a tryout, trail, or stage; tryout, trail or stage at selected sites; follow up with Chefs at selected sites as to whether I am still interested in pursuing an internship at said sites; agree on start and end dates for internship; set goals for internship; follow up with Chef as internship gets closer; prepare mentally and physically for internship Myself; potential internship sites and their Chefs/Management; Career Services at NECI; my wife; Chef- Instructors at NECI; fellow students Now (September 2009)Upon determination of and acceptance at internship site
Graduate with Distinction from the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier, Vermont in September of Continue to work hard and exceed standards in all courses; achieve requirements for Graduation with Distinction Myself; Chef-Instructors at NECI; fellow students; my wife Now (September 2009)Upon graduation in September 2010 Serve as a mentor/coach to younger students - share knowledge and experience accrued during 20 years of military service to our country to NECI students to make them not only better students, but better citizens and Americans as well. Share the knowledge and experience that one accrues as a leader in our Armed Forces for over 20 years in both peace and war; share life lessons acquired during such activities as owning a home, buying a car, or managing finances; mentor young people to consider all aspects of a problem before acting; encourage them to grow and seek out increasing responsibility; help them understand that their only limitation in this country is themselves. Myself; fellow (younger) students Now (September 2009)Upon graduation in September 2009