2 Levels of Empowerment Employee empowerment is a term used to express the ways in which employee staff can make autonomous decisions without consulting a Supervisor (Supervision less workplace) These self-willed decisions can be small or large depending upon the degree of power which the company wishes to invest in employees. Employee empowerment can begin with training and converting a whole company to an empowerment model. Conversely it may merely mean giving employees the ability to make some decisions on their own. Encouraging Involving Enabling Three levels of Empowerment
3 Employee Empowerment Encouraging employees to play a more active role in their work Degree of Empowerment and Leadership Organizational Benefits Involving employees in taking responsibility for improving the way of doing things Enabling emp. to make significant decisions without having to refer to someone Customer Focus Improving Services Innovation Culture Increasing productivity Gaining Competitive edge
4 Empowering Teams Empowering, is passing on authority and responsibility. Empowerment occurs when power goes to employees who then experience a sense of ownership and control over their jobs. Empowered individuals know that their jobs belong to them. (sense of belongingness & accountability). Given a say in how things are done, employees feel more responsible. When they feel responsible they show more initiative in their work, get more work done and enjoy their work more. Organizational values /Leadership actions Human resource systems (e.g. rewards,training) Organizational structural job design (Team’s & individual’s responsibility) Empowerment Continuous improvement actions Competitive quality Productivity Customer service
5 Kaizen JUNIOR MANAGEMENT Empower to Execute & Improve Empower to Envision and Strategic Plg WORKMEN MIDDLE MANAGEMENT SENIOR MANAGEMENT Suggestion Scheme Quality Circle Improvement Projects SDTs CFTs Suggestion Scheme Innovation Projects CFTs CLTs Steering Meet BSCs Apex Council Mechanisms for Empowerment at Tata Motors Autonomous Maintenance
6 A Self Directed Team is a group of employees who are responsible for a whole work process or segment that delivers a product or service to an internal or external customer. To varying degrees, team members work together to improve their operations, plan, control and handle day-to-day activities. In other words, they are responsible not only for getting work done but also for managing themselves. Employees in SDTs, work with minimal direct supervision (Self directed teams are not quality circles or cross functional task groups.) (SDT) Self Directed Team - Details
7 Employee Meetings at Various Levels CX BSC FACTORY BSC PLANT BSC SDT SQDCM TARGETS CVBU BSC Target Cascading Safety Quality Delivery Cost Morale 51 Self Directed Teams + Environment
8 Team Empowerment Continuum Continuous improvements Vacation scheduling Cross-functional teaming External customer contact Quality responsibilities Production scheduling Managing suppliers Equipment maintenance and repair Training each other –Multi skilling Housekeeping Degree of empowerment Team level Responsibility/Authority Level 1 20% Level 2 40% Level 3 60% Level 4 80% The figure shows the empowerment continuum and tracks the approx. % of responsibilities a team assumes many of which were once reserved for leaders,managers or support departments It shows a partial list of common responsibilities and how they might be sequenced to empower a team Shift Planning
9 Objectives of Self Directed Teams in Tata Motors To own the planning and execution of all work in the team workplace To adopt constant changes in the work processes in all areas To contribute to the self-development of team members To enhance customer satisfaction through the active involvement of and ownership by operators in managing their day-to-day work activities and output To maximize the utilization of resources resulting to better quality, reduced cost and higher productivity To help the company remain competitive in the existing markets and reach out to global markets in future Objectives
10 Roles & Responsibilities 6 - SDT Point Leaders
11 Point Leaders Multiple point leaders are envisaged Each team will have: 6 point leaders, one each for: Safety Quality Delivery Cost Morale Environment Members These point leaders will be responsible for all parameters in their respective areas. They will monitor these parameters for their sub- process and will work towards improving them The team will ideally comprise team members There will be pre-decided rotational programme (rotating the point leaders within the team) so that all members are covered in a year
12 Roles & Responsibilities SDT Team Members –
13 Participate in the team meetings effectively Have wholehearted involvement in the activities of SDT in order to ensure its success Co-operate amongst themselves and with the point leaders on issues like leave planning, conflict resolution and overall discipline Achieve SQDCME targets as set out for the SDT by the Process Owner Responsibilities of Team Members To update and maintain work related documents Expanded responsibilities to include: Self inspection Multiskilling (Flexibility to move to any machining / assembly work station) 5S House keeping SPC / Pre-control charts Maintenance related activities including autonomous PM / TPM Machine setting and tool changing
14 Responsibilities of Team Members Description of the activities to be done under SQDCME : Safety Follow all safety instructions at machine Use safety equipment properly ( PPEs) Ensure appropriate visible instruction are put on respective machine Do the entire housekeeping at the machine and adjoining area Quality Check all dimensional parameters and ensure they meet required specification Learn proper use of all tools and gauges Get all instruments and gauges calibrated at scheduled intervals Follow steps as mentioned in the process sheets Learn & control critical parameters at respective stations Analyze causes for dimensional inaccuracy Delivery Do regular PM to minimise downtime Give suggestions and ideas for improving quality Inform point leader of any deviation from standard specifications
15 Responsibilities of Team Members Description of the activities to be done under SQDCME : Cost Work on eliminating waste Minimise scrap Ensure use of proper material Morale Convey training need to the ‘Morale’ point leader Cross train other team members Maintain and encourage the positive attitude and healthy working relationships with other team members Environment Correct disposal of waste To ensure no oil spillage on shop floor To follow the guidelines in EHS (Environment, Health & Safety) Management System