If you were a caveman…. What would the word ‘beauty’ mean to you?
Art is Beautiful The Stone Ages
The earliest known sculpture of a human 40-35,000 B.C. Found in Hohle Fels cave near Schelklingen in south-west Germany
Why do you think people so long ago would have made a sculpture like this? What do you think were the most important things in someone’s life who lived so long ago?
Lion man of the Hohlenstein Stadel This figure was found in It is from 32,000 B.C. What do you think it represents? Why do you think this?
What is Beauty? Write down a list of 5 things that you find beautiful. We will watch some clips from the movie: UOcc UOcc Now imagine that you were alive 35,000 years B.C. Write down a list of 5 things that you find beautiful.
Task 1 You have to draw your own animal god Your animal god can be any animal that you think would be important in your life as a caveman, but it must also be half human! Design a front view and a side view in your sketchbooks, and next to your plan explain what you have drawn. Carve your god out of foam. Photograph your work, and explain it in your books.
Watching animals You must watch the following animal clips very carefully, because afterwards you will be drawing from your memories. Look at the way the animals move. Look at the details on their faces and bodies. Look at the curve of their limbs.
Homework Watch these videos of animals in slow motion: In your books try to capture the movement of 3 animals. You can pick your own animal. Sketch one or two pages of animals. Draw without pausing the video!
Cave of Forgotten Dreams We will now watch some clips from a film by the director Werner Herzog, called ‘Cave of Forgotten Dreams’ YTdI YTdI Think about how you could capture the soul of the animal on a cave wall.
Making colours How do you think the images that you saw in the movie were made? What media did they use? What tools did they use?
Further questions – answer for homework and find images to complement your answers What do these arts forms mean to you? Do you find them beautiful, primitive, artistically inspired, or something less? Are these drawings art for arts sake, or an attempt by Paleolithic people to reproduce the world they experienced? Or do they have some deep cosmic or spiritual significance? Why did these people of 15,000 to 30,000 years ago often create these works in places that were difficult to access? Were they trying to communicate with each other, access worlds beyond their own, or engage in hunting magic? Or were they just enjoying themselves scratching and drawing on cave walls?
For your research: Lascaux cave Altamira cave paintings Dappled Horses of Pech-Merle Bhimbetka Petroglyphs Chauvet cave Aboriginal Rock Art: Australia
“We have discovered nothing"
ARTIST RESEARCH Pablo Picasso – Primitivism Henri Rousseau Paul Klee Choose an image from one of the artists above, and reproduce it (or part of it) in colour, in your books.