The Chaparral is located along the Western part of the United States, Western South America, South Africa, Western Australia, and Western Europe. There is very limited space as you may see.
In the chaparral it can get as cold as 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and as hot as 100 degrees Fahrenheit. It has a mild climate that consists of the same four seasons that we have here in Naperville, just a little bit hotter.
It can be so hot and dry for long periods of time in the chaparral that brush fires can start. With periods of time like this lots of the dry vegetation that is here gets wiped out as well as many animals.
The chaparral doesn’t get much precipitation which is why fires can start, wiping out large areas of land at a time. The chaparral is mainly just hot and dry and the temperature rarely goes under 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
The rural chaparral isn’t the most exciting place. Rolling hills covered in shrubs that seem to go on forever. A dry heat in the summer and a rainy, cool winter makes it that much more boring. Some old West movies have been filmed there because of it’s features. Nearby, though, in Southern California is Los Angeles in all of its glory.
The animals in the chaparral vary from things to the aardwolf (directly below), to the golden jackal (right), and the San Joachim Kit Fox. These animals can survive all four seasons in the chaparral.
The Fairy Duster has pink-orange puff balls that can be up to 2 inches in diameter. These can bloom all year round but mostly in February through May. It is a common plant in Chaparral. On the left is the oak tree.
There are countless places of interest in the chaparral. Because Los Angeles is in the chaparral area of Southern California, you can do literally anything you want. With places like Hollywood, Avenue of the Stars, and many movie stars’ houses to see, how could you be bored in the chaparral.
The chaparral is not super rich in natural resources.