Meningitis Victor Naranjo
Where and When This disease was first described in a book entitled “The Canon of Medicine”. This was written by a man named Avenzoar also known as Ibn Sīnā He was a physician and philosopher. As well as chemist and mathematician. This took place during the 1020’s in the the 12 th century. In 1805 symptoms were also first recorded by the Swiss scientific literary association. Which was called Gabinetto Vieusseux. This took place because it caused a tragic death to a Japanese Imperial family.
Causative Agent Meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes called meninges. Menings surround the brain and the spinal cord. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are agents that cause inflammation of the menings. Meningitis does not refer to a specific disease but the symptom of inflammation of the tissues of the meninges. There many different types of meningitis inflammation. Viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites spread spread into the blood and into the cerebrospinal fluid -Aseptic meningitis -Bacterial meningitis -Cryptococcal meningitis -Infectious meningitis -Meningococcal meningitis -Neoplastic meningitis -Viral meningitis -Tuberculous meningitis -Syphilitic meningitis
Symptoms At First severe headache; high fever, sweating and rigors; stiffness of the neck and back muscles Photophobia, which is sensitivity to light resistance to leg extension when lying down with the hip flexed. Later irritability and/or delirium. Vomiting. photophobia; Seizures convulsions coma. The main organs being harmed are the brain and the spinal chord. The main system that is affected is the central nervous system. In some cases of meningococcal" meningitis which is caused by bacteria, one may develop a rash. The rash consists of numerous small, irregular purple or red spots. This may show up on the hands or feet. Related Diseases are hand, foot and mouth disease. Genital Herpes is another type of disease.
Way Organism is treated Meningitis must be treated as an emergency as it can easily result in death. If diagnosed and treated quickly, a full recovery can usually be expected. Most forms of meningitis are viral. This means that it will just have to run its course. Bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency. It has a high mortality rate if not treated quickly. All cases of meningitis must receive medical attention. Empiric antibiotics must be started immediately even though before test results. One could also use Corticosteroids. This is a type of steroid that lowers the rate of death. Types of antibiotics used are Penicillin and Methicilin.
Recent Cases Of Meningitis Health officials say 8-year-old Ernesto Valasquez complained of neck and arm pain on Wednesday February 6 th. His fever then shot up to 106 degrees. The third grader died later that day. There was another case in which a 17 year old student and a guidance counselor both died. The guidance counselor was from St. Francis Prep of Queens while the student was from Massapequa.