American Romanticism 1800-1860
What was the Industrial Revolution?
Industrial Revolution: Progress with a Price A cultural and economic change beginning in the mid 1700s. Factories and industry replace agriculture as chief means of support for lower classes. The population collects in cities.
Name 3 ways the IR led to Romanticism.
1: Better transportation leads to better exchange of ideas The steamboat and the railroad become common. Greater infrastructure brings makes travel “easy.”
2: More options for women Typical jobs for women had been to sew, clean laundry, milk cows, or clean. New jobs for women were factory work. Women could live at the factory and make their own money.
3: Poor working conditions (Lowell factory example) A. Women worked at least 12 hours a day. B. very strict rules: women required to go to church; no male visitors allowed at factory/dormitory.
**Poor Working Conditions C. Boarding house rooms held up to 6 girls D. Average age=24; some as young as 10 years old.
**The Mills and Factories Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire victims 1911
Affected by Industrial Revolution, but based largely on optimism American Romanticism Affected by Industrial Revolution, but based largely on optimism
Optimism led to the Age of Reform (during Romantic Period) Prisons and Mental Institutions Treatment of Mentally Ill 1840s Prison Reform 1850s
Age of Reform Women’s Suffrage Abolitionist movement
Idealism and Transcendentalism Idealism—philosophy based on idea that evidence of the divine is not found in the outer world as much as the inner world of the individual. The world is what we perceive it to be. Transcendentalism—philosophy based on the idea that one moves beyond the physical to the spiritual through awareness. Focuses on intuition, introspection, and self-trust.
Romanticism 1800-1860. Not a Valentine’s Day idea. Romantic writers did share two key beliefs: 1. Emotion was valued over intellect. 2. Basic goodness and equality were a part of everyone.