Chapter 1 The Study of Communication, Gender & Culture Gendered Lives Chapter 1 The Study of Communication, Gender & Culture
I. Communication, Gender, and Culture as an Area of Study A. Expanded Knowledge of Gender, Communication, Culture 1. Only the last 20 years… 2. 110,000
B. The Value of Studying Communication, Gender, & Culture 1. Learning about communication, gender, and culture: a. Help you understand and critique gendered patterns of interaction b. Enhances insight into own gender c. Strengthens effectiveness as a communicator
II. Gender In a Transitional Era A. On one level 1. Think women and men equal B. On another level 1. May hold traditional views It depends on your frame of reference C. Thoughts vs. Actions
III. Differences Between Women & Men A. Are men and women really that different?? B. Several variables influence us such as: C. Essentializing Presume all members of sex alike
IV. Relationships among Gender, Culture, & Communication Gender, culture, communication interlinked Cannot study one without understanding other two
A. Sex 1. Sex = designation based on biology 2. Gender = socially constructed and expressed a. Sex and gender usually go together b. Can be inconsistent
A. Sex 3. Male or female based on external genitalia and internal sex organs a. Genitalia and sex markers determined by chromosomes XX XY
A. Sex 4. Hormones influence development a. Fetuses with Y bathed in androgens (Development of male sex organs) b. Fetuses without Y - fewer androgens (Development of female sex organs)
A. Sex 5. Influence of hormones continues throughout lifetime a. Males more sensitive to hormonal activity 6. Biology influences how we develop but doesn’t determine behavior or personality
A. Sex 7. Some people are born with biological characteristics of each sex a. Traditionally called hermaphrodites Today the term intersexed is preferred
B. Gender RECAP: Born male or female (sex) Learn to act masculine and/or feminine (gender) Gender changes over time
B. Gender 1. Gender depends on a society’s values, and varies from culture to culture In America Masculine = strong, successful, rational, emotionally controlled Feminine = attractive, nurturing, deferential, expressive
B. Gender 2. Gender is learned 3. We do not passively receive gender 4. Gender is not stable Gender queer Androgynous Transgendered Transexual
B. Gender 5. Relational concept Femininity and masculinity make sense in relation Meanings of gender are also changed by: Personal communication Role models Interactions with friends As meanings of one changes – so do meanings of the other
C. Culture 1. Culture = structures, institutions, practices that reflect and uphold social order Upheld by defining certain groups, values, expectations, as good
C. Culture 2. Surrounded by communication that announces social views of gender 3. Global variations Mead (1968) Hofstede 4. Western culture is patriarchal Pre and Post Industrial Revolution 5. Ethnic variations
D. Communication 1. Communication is dynamic Continually changes, evolves No beginnings or endings
D. Communication 2. Communication is systemic Culture has the largest impact on how we communicate 3. All aspects of communication are interlinked Influenced by how we feel Time of day, etc. may be influence
D. Communication 4. Communication has two levels: a. Content level of meaning Literal meaning b. Relationship level of meaning Tell how to interpret content and how communicators see themselves in relationship
D. Communication 5. Meanings created through interaction with symbols Humans symbol-using creatures Have to think to figure out what symbol means Symbols can be ambiguous More than one meaning