The Planets By Ashlee Benway
Objectives You will learn and identify all eight planets in order You will learn facts about the eight planets in the Solar System
The Planets M y V ery E ager M other J ust S erved U s N achos M ercury V enus E arth M ars J upiter S aturn U ranus N eptune
Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the sun Its is also the smallest planet –1/3 size of Earth Has no moons
Venus Second Planet from the sun Brightest Planet in the sky Called Earths sister planet Has no moons
Earth Third Planet from the sun Our home planet Only planet that has life on it Has one moon
Mars Fourth Planet from the sun Sometime called the “Red Planet” Has two moons Half the size of Earth
Jupiter Fifth Planet from the sun Largest Planet Has at least 63 moons Has a Great Red Spot
Saturn Sixth Planet from the sun Second largest planet 60 moons Has many rings around it
Uranus Seventh Planet from the sun Has 22 known moons Blue/green in color Very cold planet
Neptune Eighth and furthest planet from the sun Twin of Uranus Blue appearance 13 known moons Very strong winds, Great Dark Spot Could hold up to 60 Earths
Summary There are eight planets in the solar system In order closest to the sun, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Although each planet maybe similar, they are all different in their own way.
Acknowledgement astronomy/planets/ astronomy/planets/