Department of Landscape Ecology, FES Barbora Engstová
List of these areas is the annexe of the Plan of main catchment areas of the Czech Republic 30 selected localities
there are several restrictions of activities over this areas ◦ Landscape and territorial planning The research proceeds on three levels: ◦ environmental (evaluation of landscape and its functionality, environmental criteria), ◦ social (social structure, public opinion) and ◦ economical (calculation of social- economic impact on landscape functions)
to evaluate efficiency and suitability of the territorial protection of localities determined for development of water resources Invention of a new methodology of ecological vulnerability classification of the areas protected for development of water resources ◦ The methodology designing will be based on biological and socio- economical analyses of representative sample of suitable localities across the Czech Republic
partial results ◦ professional studies of the examined localities: landscape and environmental assessment, sociological assessment, economical analysis main result ◦ complex multi- departmental analysis of the territorial protection impact to the natural conditions, local residents and economical development of the localities Final results and methodology will be used by local authorities, residents, businessman and others to better understand interrelations between water resources and land-use.
Bachelor thesis ◦ Literature retrieval ◦ Web sources analysis ◦ Land use mapping ◦ Vectorisation (GIS)
Master thesis Literature retrieval Land use mapping Vectorisation GIS analysis
PhD students ◦ Workshops / seminars ◦ Data collection ◦ Data processing ◦ Conference participation ◦ Other scientific publications
Combination of multi disciplinary approach should lead towards interesting results, utilise in future landscape planning in the affected areas Project offers possibility to involve students of all degrees
Dr. Barbora Engstová Dpt. Of Landscape Ecology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Nám. Smirických 1, Kostelec n.C.l., Czech Republic Thank you for your attention