District GIS for Tamilnadu GIS Nagapattinam GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
Prototype Application and implemented for 2 districts in TN in pilot mode Purely based on Free & Open Source Software Open ended Web GIS Architecture Highly user friendly Menu based Design Login Authentication system incorporated for Application Security Silent Features:-
1. Administrative Boundaries Thematic Map on various Administrative boundaries GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
1.1 District Boundary GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
1.1 District Boundary GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
2. View Layer 2.1 View Individual Layer - Static Map for individual facility( layer) for view & Print 2.2 Overlay Layers –Map Browser -Overlay More than one layer and compose a new map as per requirement of User GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
2.1 View Layer – Static Map GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
2.1 View Layers (Labels) To know the names of the Taluks, Label On Check box should be checked. GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
2.2 Overlay Layers GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
2.2 Overlay Layers GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
From the Menu, Click on Queries & Themes and a drop down will appear. From the drop down, Select Thematics to draw a map. Fill the necessary fields from the left side in order to draw a map. GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC 3. Queries & Themes
3.Queries & Themes GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
3.1 Thematic Atlas a). It will generate a map as per the requirements. GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
3.1 Thematic b). Thematic Map with Label (Taluks names) GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
3.1 Thematic Atlas (info) GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
3.2 Query Builder GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
3.3 Generate Nominal Maps GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
3.4 Infra Thematics GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
3.5 Administrative Queries Sample pre-defined Queries:- GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
2. Villages from where people have to walk at least 1.5 Km to access a health facility GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
3.Create Buffer Maps GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
4.Complex Queries GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
3.6 Chart Maps Displaying the map details using Bar or Pie charts. GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
4. Community Facilities 4.1 Health & Family welfare – Display the Govt Hospitals, PHC,HSC and health units. 4.2 Education – show the High schools, Hr Sec schools, GPS –Schools(BDU). 4.3 Agricultural Centers. 4.4 Departmental Offices – shows Sub Registrar offices GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
4.1 Government Hospitals GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
5.Infrastructure 5.1 Transport – Helps to show the National highways, Bridges, Railway Lines etc. 5.2 Communication – Shows BSNL Exchanges. 5.3 Power – Shows EB Sub Stations. 5.4 Emergency Services \Utilities – Includes Police Stations, Fire Stations, Pertol Bunks etc. 5.5 Rain.guage stations. GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC a
6.Jurisdictions 6.1 Assembly Constituencies. 6.2 Parliamentary Constituencies. 6.3Police Jurisdiction. 6.4 Police Sub Division GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
6.1 Assembly Constituencies GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
7. Physical And Natural Resources 7.1 Water Resources – Includes Rivers, canels, water Bodies, walls, Drainage. 7.2 Physical Resources – Soil, Geomorphology, Structure, Litho logy. 7.3 Land Use Pattern – Shows the information about Forest, Waste Land, Wet Land, Land Use, Agriculture. 7.4 Watersheds – Watersheds, Subwatersheds,Mini watersheds, Micro watersheds. 7.5 Water Quality –Water Depth, Water Yield, water Quality –Tds, Fluoride, Iron Content GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
7. Physical And Natural Resources 7.1 Water Resources – Includes Rivers, canels, water Bodies, walls, Drainage. GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
7. Physical And Natural Resources 7.2 Physical Resources – Soil, Geomorphology, Structure, Litho logy. GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
7. Physical And Natural Resources 7.3 Land Use Pattern – Shows the information about Forest, Waste Land, Wet Land, Land Use, Agriculture. GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
9.Layer Details GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC
9.1 Layer Details – List of Layer used & available with this Applicaiton GIS DIV.NIC,TNSC