Chapter 11 Pushing Exports Link to syllabus
Dumping Defined as: selling exports at a price that is too low, or at a price less than “normal” or less than “fair market value.” In an international context, dumping is price discrimination favoring buyers of exports. It has also been described as selling at below average cost. Types: Predatory (infers the intention of raising price afterwards) Cyclical dumping (what people do during recessions) Seasonal dumping (sales) Persistent dumping: a firm with market power uses price discrimination to increase profits.
Figure 11.1 Page 231 Persistent Dumping Standard example of dumping being economically rational.
Figure 11.2 page 234 Top 12 initiators of anti-dumping cases
Gov’t policies responding to dumping: If persistent dumping, welcome their subsidies to our consumption Predatory dumping is rare (book says) Seems to say don’t worry about seasonal or cyclical WTO allows retaliation if dumping hurts domestic producers who compete with imports
Proposals for Reform (pp ) 1. Limit to situations of plausible predatory dumping 2. Consider harm to consumers as well as producers 3. Replace anti-dumping with safeguard policy. This involves temporary import protection/restriction when a sudden in imports causes injury to producers. Issue is not on alleged unfairness, but rather to focus on adjustment
Figure 11.3 page 242 Export Subsidy: small country Different from Production Subsidy
Figure 11.4 page 244 Export subsidy, large country Domestic Cost is f+h + (I+j+k+l+m) World well being declines by f+h+u Yuck!
Figure 11.5 page 245 Export Subsidy turns Importable Product into an Export
Figure 11.6 page 247. Foreign export subsidy and countervailing duty
Link to old exams
Figure 11.7 page 254. Two firm game: Airbus vs. Boeing
Ad for book on Boeing/Airbus
Figure 11.8 page 255 Two firm game with government subsidies
Table 7.1 International Duopoly Game. P. 244 Different text - Thompson
Table 7.2 Duopoly Dilemma p. 247
Other Text. Shares of World R&D Spending.
Nominal Price of Oil, (DOE)
Adelman World Price, 1997 $
DOE Projection of World Oil Price
Dumping Cases in US involving steel, 1998/99 Earlier Edition. Page 228 taken out