KEMENTERIAN PEKERJAAN UMUM PRACTICAL REGIONAL ACTIVITY IN RISK AND IMPACTS FROM EXTREME EVENTS ON FLOOD Tris Raditian, ST., MM Head of Sub-Directorate of Disaster Countermeasure Directorate of Operation and Maintenance Directorate General of Water Resources Bandar Seri Begawan, June 25 th, 2013 MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA
The ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on Water Resources Management (ASPA ‐ WRM) contains actions on four key issues: i.Supply, demand and allocation ii.Water quality and sanitation iii.Climate change and extreme events iv.Governance and capacity building BACKGROUND
1.12 th Meeting of ASEAN Working Group on Water Resources Management (AWGWRM) on July 25 th and 26 th, 2012 in Ha Long City, Viet Nam. 2.Workshop on Risks and Impacts from Extreme Events of Floods in ASEAN Countries held on 9 – 10 June 2010 in Bali, Indonesia
BACKGROUND Recommendation of Priority Areas based on 2010 Bali Workshop Results. 1.GAP 1 Lack of budget allocation and attention given to water related disaster management 2.GAP 2 Knowledge sharing of best practices, and need for comprehensive flood hazard and risk maps based not only on topographic and land use but also showing computations with rainfall runoff and inundation models (depth, duration and frequency) 3.GAP 3 Improved early warning systems and forecasting methods for flash flood and landslides 4.GAP 4 Technology support to set up and operate forecasting systems 5.GAP 5 Balanced information and media (to promote stakeholder ownership and involvement and improved flood management and adaptation planning
PRACTICAL REGIONAL ACTIVITY GAP 1 Lack of budget allocation and attention given to water related disaster management From 131 River Basins in Indonesia, 63 of them under Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works Preparing WRM – SP by River Basin Organization Preparing WRM–IP after WRM–SP finished by River Basin Organization Evaluation and Revision in WRM – IP and WRM - SP Approval Process Inaugurated by the Minister of Public Works Indonesia preparing Water Resources Management Strategic Plan (WRM-SP) which indicates the direction of river basin management and Water Resources Management Implementation Plan (WRM-IP) whics is a specific action plan for basin management based on WRM-SP that also include flood control system as part of disaster management that inaugurated by the Minister of Public Works. This method proved give easiness in making budget priority for Directorate General of Water Resources. 63 River Basin under DG Of Water Resources Basic process in WRM-SP and WRM-IP Regional Activity Develop a regional plan to present to governments and donors
PRACTICAL REGIONAL ACTIVITY GAP 2 Knowledge sharing of best practices, and need for comprehensive flood hazard and risk maps based not only on topographic and land use but also showing computations with rainfall runoff and inundation models (depth, duration and frequency) Exchange of experience and knowledge in Flood Management for Flood Management Enhancement Seminars and Sharing Case Studies in Indonesia There are 33 River Basin Organizations under Directorate General of Water Resources, for exchange of experience and knowledge, once in a year DGWR facilitate a meeting to discuss about water-related disaster management especially floods in each river basin. Regional Activity Seminars and Sharing Case Studies Need seminar and sharing case studies between AMS in Flood Hazard and Risk Map. Targeted capcity building and skills training at regional level with activities from national experience.
PRACTICAL REGIONAL ACTIVITY Inundation Area on Jakarta in Jan, 2013 Flood Risk Map This Risk Map gives a better understanding to do Mitigation, Preparedness and Disaster Countermeasure in Flood River Management. In a year Indonesia can only produce Regencies/Municipalities Risk Map, and once in a year for knowledge sharing in Risk Map Directorate General of Water Resources facilitate the meeting between 33 River Basin Organizations Knowledge Sharing in Flood Risk Map
PRACTICAL REGIONAL ACTIVITY GAP 3 Improved early warning systems and forecasting methods for flash flood and landslides The most important and practical regional activity that could be implemented is to improve early warning systems and forecasting methods for flash flood and landslides (Gap 3) on the ground that this activity has been undertaken in all ASEAN countries, only to different extent. It is easier to raise the activity to regional level because all ASEAN countries have learnt from what they started in their own countries, they know what are their strengths or weaknesses, they might already know what kinds of assistance they would like to receive from their neighbour countries, or from international organizations both technically and financially. Regional Activity Training on Early Warning System and Public Information Campaigns Thailand’s Feedback GAP 4 Technology support to set up and operate forecasting systems Regional Activity Access financial support and political will Skills training on technical purchases and installation, data collection Related to GAP 4
PRACTICAL REGIONAL ACTIVITY GAP 5 Balanced information and media (to promote stakeholder ownership and involvement and improved flood management and adaptation planning) Regional Activity Comprehensive Media Communication Plan There are 5 activities to achieve the solution: 1.Media plan development 2.Multi sectoral engagement 3.Training on role of media 4.Training for the media 5.Set up media information/communication centre
BACKGROUND Recommendations 1.Explore regional funding for AMS to develop national flood response and preparedness plans aligned with a regional flood response plan 2.Encourage the development of ASEAN regional and national flood control committees 3.Develop a report on innovative sources of funding for flood control in ASEAN such as combining flood control activities with revenue-generating activities 4.Operationalise and staff the proposed ASEAN Help Desk for greater exchange of information Because there was considerable overlap between plans, the consultant facilitator attempted to combine the team recommendations into a single set of recommendations
BACKGROUND Recommendations 5.Develop and conduct ASEAN regional training courses to develop capacity of water ministry staff in ASEAN countries. Topics could include: Land use planning, Hydrologic modeling, GIS systems, Setting up/maintaining remote monitoring systems, Purchasing/utilising early warning systems, Public information/media relations, Stakeholder engagement/participatory planning 6.Create a pool of technical advisors that can provide direct support to ASEAN Member States in implementing programs related to the above topics.