In the Name of GOD
Lake Al Qadisiyah 15Sep 2009 Lake Al Qadisiyah 7Sep 2006
11-Jun-0512-Jun Jun Jun-0523-Jun Jun-0525-Jun Jul-0505-Jul Jul-0525-Jul Aug-0508-Aug Aug Apr-0618-Apr Jul-0718-Jul Jul-0719-Jul Feb Apr-0805-Apr Apr-0801-May Jun-0802-Jun Jun-0808-Jun Jun-0809-Jun Jun-0816-Jun Jun-0817-Jun Jun-0818-Jun Jun-0819-Jun Jun-0802-Jul Weather and Climate Data Satellite Images Wind Trajectory Model Wind Speed and Directions Identification, Modeling, Warning, Combating & Monitoring Identification, Modeling, Warning, Combating & Monitoring RESEARCH GUIDELINE Other Data and Information Sources Virtual NETWORK Soil Maps Topsoil TextureMedium Avalible Water Capacity (mm) Topsoil Sand Fraction (%) Topsoil Silt Fraction (%) Topsoil Clay Fraction (%) Topsoil USDA Texture Classification Loamloam Soil Information
Man-Made FactorsEffectsIraq DustIran Dust Paper5 11Paper7 17 Report16Report0 3 2 Thesis Workshop Natural Factors Dust Detection Iraq in General Globe Dust Paper20Paper82Paper9 38 Report14Report9 25Report10 Thesis Workshop Dust Effects MitigationDust Survey Paper15Paper39 Report19Report8 Thesis2 2 Workshop6 1
NETWORKING How to Start?
Community Capacity Building: 1.Water Resources Ma., 2.Land Use Planning & 3.Precision Farming 4.Etc. Community Capacity Building: 1.Water Resources Ma., 2.Land Use Planning & 3.Precision Farming 4.Etc. Dust Storm Combating Guideline Virtual NETWORK Universities Research Institutes NGOs & Experts Reg. Gov. Organizatio ns International Organizations Funding Organizations Contractors & Consulting Firms Etc.
RS CenterGeo-IT CenterGIS Center Prof.101 Dr.565 Eng.234
TitleFunding Beginning- End (Year) Situation Developing a LBS-Based Software for Real Time Bilateral GeoData Collection City Council of Tehran2013In Progress Regional Dust Storms Baseline Situational Analysis UNEP/ROWA2012-In progress Designing, Developing and Implementing Smart Land Use Planning Software for Dust Strom Sources (DSLP) UT-GRI & The institute of Mehregan Valley Horizon (MVH) 2011-In progress Design of a software for Geoinfomatics- based Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting Application for dust storms UT-GRI & The institute of Mehregan Valley Horizon (MVH) 2011-In progress Site Selection by AHP for Post bank branches in Tehran, Iran Post Bank of Iran Finished Identification of Regional and transboundary dust storm sources Vice-president for science and technology of presidency of Iran- water, drought, erosion, and environment of technology development office Finished Feasibility study of Geoinfomatics-based Real Time Inspection (GRTI) for public health system in Iran, design and implementing Ministry of Health and Medicine Training Finished Feasibility study of MODIS images for extracting dust particles characteristics University of Tehran Finished
Suggestions: Air Pollution Modeling Air Pollution Hot Spots Identification (Emission Inventory) Remote Sensing Based Monitoring and Early Warning System
Further Activities: Holding Workshops at the University of Tehran – GRI Hosting Regional Center for Air Pollution Monitoring and Modeling