An aluminium two-wheeled robot (ALBot) for teaching Phil Culverhouse
ALBot v1 Robot motor & wheel assembly Atmel microcontroller Interface PCB Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
Atmel controller & robot Programme in C –Use AVRstudio and JTAG interface –PID controller available embedded Robot can operate from PSU or battery Fast – up to 2metres per second! –Teaching version of Mirosot competition robot footballer
ALbot sensors Sensors –Infra-red chat (front facing) –Infra-red Line detect (bottom) –VGA colour camera
FPGA Altera FPGA EP2C8T144 – 200MHz programmable hardware Quartus development tool Design in logic schematic and/or VHDL (Very high speed IC Hardware Description Language)
VHDL example LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; -- for integer to bit_vector conversion ENTITY SlowCounter IS PORT (Clk : IN std_logic; ClockOUT : OUT std_logic); END SlowCounter; ARCHITECTURE SlowCounter_v1 OF SlowCounter IS CONSTANT maxval: natural := 100; -- signal Counter: natural range 0 to maxval; -- reduce clock to approx 500ms from 64uS (Hsync input) signal Ctemp: std_logic := '0'; begin process (clk) begin if (clk'event) and (clk ='1') then Counter <= Counter +1; if Counter = 0 then Ctemp <= '0'; end if; if Counter = maxval then Ctemp <= not(Ctemp); end if; end process; Clockout <= Ctemp; end SlowCounter_v1; Sequential process Concurrent process runs in separate Hardware section
AINT302: Machine vision & behavioural Computing: laboratory 2 problem Recognise golf ball by hardware What questions to ask? 1.What camera/lens 2.What colour processing? 3.What speed of operation? 4.How?!!!