First and biggest Russian computer and video games exhibition Igromir Expo 2013
Date of the event: October 3-6, 2013 Venue: Moscow, Crocus Expo Exhibition Centre Pavillion 1 Event concept: Igromir expo is first and biggest Russian computer and video games consumer exhibition. Key products of the event: computer games, console games, handheld consoles games, mobile games and all other electronic entertainment software and hardware, except for gambling.
Target audience: years old “entertainment enthusiasts” - persons with strong interest in all kind of entertainment (e.g. movies, video games, music) and newest technologies, Also, family audience and younger audience with same entertainment interests. Target amount of visitors: thousands of people
Expected participants: developers and publishers of computer and video games, manufacturers and distributors of games hardware, games and general media.
Igromir Expo took place for the first time in 2006, gathering more than 26 thousands people in 2 days: November 4-5. More than 40 companies took part in first Igromir Expo.
In Igromir Expo continues to grow rapidly, gaining more and more audience each year – from people in 2006 to people in 2010
The event is attracting more and more professionals each year, both participating companies and media. Also, every year Igromir is presenting new features – from business day to outside exhibition area
Igromir Expo 2011 took place in the new venue – Crocus Expo (October 6-9, 2011). For the first time in exhibition history, the event changed its concept to attract new audience (family audience and mature entertainment enthusiasts).
Renewed show had outstanding success – Igromir grew both in terms of attendance (more than visitors in 4 days) and size of the exhibition, with 120 companies occupying more than sq.m. (the whole Hall 13 of Pavillion 3)
Igromir 2011 featured all major international game publishers and developers participating in the show - Microsoft, Sony Computer Entertainment, Electronic Arts, Activision, Blizzard Entertainment, Nintendo, Sega, Square Enix, Wargaming.Net and many others.
The show continued to grow in 2012, expanding from one exhibition hall to three exhibition halls: family pavilion (presenting entertainment products for all ages) and two main exhibition halls, resulting in overall exhibition size of sq.m attendance grew again – people in 4 days
One of the main features of Igromir 2012 – family pavilion. For the first time in exhibition history, family entertainment products were presented in separate area with access for all ages, with participation of Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, 1C- Softclub and others
Also, for the first time Igromir 2012 presented Business Area – separate exhibition space with access only for industry specialists and media, with calm and comfortable business atmosphere. As a result - more than 1500 media publications (both printed and online), dozens of TV reports and countless blog and social network posts by community leaders
- Huge success for the renewed show – more than of visitors in 4 days - Most payable audiences - family audience (over 1/3 of overall audience) and mature entertainment enthusiasts - were successfully added to the Igromir’s core audience – games enthusiasts year old - More than 1100 media members covering the event, including all major national TV channels - New features like family pavilion and business area upgraded the show to the whole new level! Igromir Expo 2012 results:
Key features of Igromir Expo 2013
The show will stay in Russia’s best exhibition center – Crocus Expo, this time occupying the whole pavillion 1 (more than sq.m. in four halls)
Igromir 2013 will feature new entertainment content of the exhibition – Tournament Area, occupying sq.m. of the whole Hall 2 and presenting non-stop tournament of biggest cybersport disciplines on two separate stages
Business Area of Igromir 2013 will also grow significantly, occupying sq.m. of the whole Hall 1 of Crocus Expo’s pavilion 1.